
nuclear weapons

European Parliament votes in favour of a nuclear weapons ban

European Union’s legislature takes clear stance on upcoming negotiations on international treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons: the EU’s Member States should “support the convening” and “participate substantively” in its negotiation.  Today the European Parliament took a clear stance to support…

The week the world agreed to make nuclear weapons illegal

It’s time This week, delegations to the UN General Assembly could help shift the course of history. This sounds dramatic, especially for First Committee. While it always presents a good opportunity for progress, First Committee can sometimes seem like a…

Dave Webb: “A treaty to ban nuclear weapons is a fantastic step forward”

During the 2016 International Peace Bureau World Congress in Berlin we interviewed the British peace activist Dave Webb, member of CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament). Here below is the link to the complete interview

Governments submit draft resolution to commence ban treaty negotiations

A group of governments have submitted a draft UN General Assembly resolution to start negotiations on a treaty banning nuclear weapons. The document was circulated on Wednesday by its lead sponsors Austria, Mexico, South Africa, Ireland, Brazil and Nigeria and…

September 26: International day for the total elimination of nuclear weapons

33 years ago today the world nearly ended.  It can still do so. 33 Years ago today (Sept 26 1983) the world nearly ended. The only reason it didn’t is because, amidst wailing sirens and flashing lights, with his computers…

ICAN condemns North Korea’s nuclear test, urges nations to pursue global nuclear weapon ban

September 9, 2016: North Korea today confirmed that it had conducted its most powerful nuclear test explosion to date, with an estimated yield of 10 kilotonnes, triggering a magnitude 5.3 earthquake. The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) – a…

The UN and the Test Ban

By Daryl G. Kimball | Reproduced courtesy of Arms Control Association WASHINGTON, D.C. (IDN-INPS) – Twenty years ago this month, in a major nonproliferation breakthrough, more than 158 nations came together to adopt a resolution at the United Nations in…

The “no nukes” mantra between hope and despair

By Ramesh Jaura for InDepthNews. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s mantra “No more Hiroshimas – No more Nagasakis – Never again”, chanted to commemorate the anniversaries of the devastating atomic bombings of two Japanese cities has yet to usher in a…

UN talks recommend the General Assembly ban nuclear weapons in 2017

The final day of the open-ended working on nuclear disarmament (OEWG) was a picture of diplomatic theatre. At the last moment the Australian delegation tried to upset the process by demanding a vote on what all other delegations believed was…

Majority of UN members declare intention to negotiate ban on nuclear weapons in 2017

United Nations disarmament talks concluded in Geneva on Friday 19th of August with the overwhelming majority of nations signalling their intention to launch negotiations in 2017 for a global ban on nuclear weapons. One hundred and seven nations in Africa,…

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