
nuclear weapons

27th March: Talks to start on a treaty to ban nuclear weapons

“The Conference, while welcoming achievements in bilateral and unilateral reductions by some nuclear-weapon States, notes with concern that the total estimated number of nuclear weapons deployed and stockpiled still amounts to several thousands. The Conference expresses its deep concern at…

Nobel Peace Laureates: Time to prohibit and eliminate nuclear weapons is now!

The following statement from 21 Nobel Peace Laureates was released at the conclusion of the 16th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates in Bogota, Colombia. On March 27, negotiations will commence at the United Nations for a treaty to ban…

It is now two and a half minutes to midnight

By the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. It is now two and a half minutes to midnight.  For the first time in the 70-year history of the Doomsday Clock, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’ Science and Security Board has moved…

Donald Trump’s New Nuclear Instability

President-elect Donald Trump exploded a half-century of U.S. nuclear-arms policy in a single tweet last week: “The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes.” With…

UN General Assembly approves historic nukes resolution

The United Nations General Assembly today approved a historic resolution to launch negotiations in 2017 on a treaty prohibiting nuclear weapons. The vote follows a decision on 27 October by the General Assembly’s First Committee – which deals with disarmament and…

Seeking Nuclear Disarmament in Dangerous Times

By Alice Slater for InDepthNews. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has championed efforts for nations to make good on their pledges to abolish nuclear weapons. In 2009 he published a five-point proposal for nuclear disarmament, urging nuclear weapons states in particular to…

The United Nations votes to start negotiations to ban the bomb

One hundred and twenty-three nations voted to move forward with negotiations to prohibit nuclear weapons—just as the world has already done for biological and chemical weapons. In a historic vote on October 27 at the United Nations Committee for Disarmament,…

Historic vote at the UN means nuclear weapons will be illegal in 2017

Last week something historic happened at the United Nations. Despite enormous pressure from the United States, 123 nations, all with equal standing at the UN General Assembly, voted to start a process in 2017 to negotiate a ban on nuclear…

Gorbachev appeals for sanity, dialogue

By John Scales Avery OSLO, Oct 28 2016 (IPS) – President Mikhail Gorbachev, former leader of the Soviet Union and recipient of the 1990 Nobel Peace Prize, has appealed to world leaders to reduce the dangerous tensions, which today threaten…

UN votes to outlaw nuclear weapons in 2017

The United Nations today adopted a landmark resolution to launch negotiations in 2017 on a treaty outlawing nuclear weapons. This historic decision heralds an end to two decades of paralysis in multilateral nuclear disarmament efforts. At a meeting of the First Committee…

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