
nuclear weapons

IPPNW statement on Korea crisis

The persistent tensions on the Korean peninsula are rapidly escalating into a crisis fueled by mutual fears, provocations, and the volatile temperaments of two unpredictable, nuclear-armed heads of state. The current US administration seems determined to “resolve” the situation through…

UN, Hypocrisy as a weapon of mass destruction

Surely few will be surprised by the recent bombing of Syria ordered by Trump. If we were already used to the permanent military intervention of the US throughout the planet, with a bully as brand-new president it was predictable that…

Changing the game on nuclear weapons

More than 120 countries have been participating in talks to negotiate a treaty prohibiting nuclear weapons since Monday March 27th in the UN headquarters in New York. While the nuclear weapons states and their allies are not in the room,…

Faith Communities Call For Banning Nuclear Weapons

By Jaya Ramachandran NEW YORK (IDN) – Faith communities have called for heeding the voices of the world’s Hibakusha (atomic bomb survivors) and stressed the need for the five-day United Nations Conference at the UN headquarters in New York to…

Courage is the crux of the ban treaty

By Ray Acheson. Applause broke out at the beginning of the day when the President of the conference to negotiate a treaty banning nuclear weapons, Ambassador Elayne Whyte of Costa Rica, opened the proceedings. Applause also broke out at the…

Ready, steady, go: time to ban the bomb!

By Ray Acheson for Reaching Critical Will. Today we begin negotiations of a treaty banning nuclear weapons. It took incredible determination, creativity, and courage to get here. We have seen decades of activism against the bomb. Endless engagement with nuclear-armed…

Harrowing testimony of nuclear bomb test survivor reinforces urgency of ban campaigners

On Monday 27th of March, negotiations start on a treaty to ban nuclear weapons.  It is expected that over 100 countries will participate in the drafting process.  Campaigners from the ban treaty network, ICAN (of which Pressenza is partner organisation),…

Nuclear Disarmament, Trump and the Nordic Countries

By Lowana Veal REYKJAVIK (IDN) – When asked what Sweden thought the Trump Administration should do by way of contributing to nuclear disarmament, the Swedish ambassador in Iceland, Bosse Hedberg, replied: “At this point in time, I am not aware…

75% of Brits support UN nuclear ban talks

75% of UK adults think the British Government should be represented at nuclear disarmament talks due to begin at the United Nations next week. Only 9% said the Government should not attend and 16% were undecided. The opinion poll was…

Why should Trump―or anyone―be able to launch a nuclear war?

by Lawrence Wittner for IPPNW The accession of Donald Trump to the US presidency brings us face-to-face with a question that many have tried to avoid since 1945: Should anyone have the right to plunge the world into a nuclear…

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