
nuclear war

The Urgent Need for Complete Abolition of Nuclear Weapons

Human Wrongs Watch By John Scales Avery* On August 6, 1945, at 8:15 in the morning, an atomic bomb was exploded in the air over the city of Hiroshima in an already-defeated Japan. The force of the explosion was equivalent…

Chomsky on the Dangers facing Humanity in the 21st Century

ENGLISH Mini-Video: Noam Chomsky on Environmental Dangers, Nuclear war, Neo-Liberal Assault on Democracy & U.S Terrorism “There is a global terrorism campaign, far beyond any other. It’s Obama’s drone campaign. That’s a terrorist campaign of a scale that has never…

Protecting Nuclear Sanity

The threat of nuclear war between Russia and the West, long relegated to Cold War history, reappeared last year as the crisis in East-West relations escalated. Russian strategic bombers now fly long-range patrols near the coast of the US and…

Insanity Grips The Western World

Just as Karl Marx claimed that History had chosen the proletariat, neoconservatives claim that History has chosen America. Just as the Nazis proclaimed “Deutschland uber alles,” neoconservatives proclaim “America uber alles.” In September 2013 President Obama actually stood before the…

Chomsky warns about growing threat of nuclear war in 2014

Renowned American linguist, philosopher and political commentator Noam Chomsky warns that the world is racing towards “environmental catastrophe” and “nuclear war” in 2014. Answering a question in an interview with about the contemporary issues which particularly concerns him, the…

Big Biz underlying DPRK provocations?

While it is the US of A that appears as the most ‘belligerent’ in the current Korea’s crisis – if this is not too weak a term for practices and thus threats of a nuclear attack – questions need to…

The Koreas: pull the plug on US troops

South Korea and the US military are conducting military drills around the Korean Peninsular. Their media reports say these are ‘strictly defensive in nature’ – and they are planned to continue until the end of April this year. As a…

China calls for calm after North Korea threats

China has called for “calm and restraint” after North Korea reacted to a new series of UN sanctions with vows of a nuclear strike and cancellation of peace deals with South Korea. “China calls on relevant parties to exercise calm…

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