
Nuclear disarmament

From placebo nuclear disarmament to a nuke free world

Viewpoint by Jayantha Dhanapala* The following is a slightly abridged version of Jayantha Dhanapala’s address to the International Peace Bureau (IPB) World Congress ‘Disarm! For a Climate of Peace’ from September 30 to October 03, 2016 at the Technical University…

Kazakhstan Leads the Way to a Nuclear-Weapon Free World

By Ramesh Jaura and Katsuhiro Asagiri ASTANA (IDN) – As divisions between States on how to achieve nuclear disarmament grow, countries like Kazakhstan must lead the way to common ground and inclusive dialogue. Such leadership is urgently needed to make…

Over Seventy Prominent Scholars and Activists Call on Obama to Take Concrete Action in Hiroshima

WASHINGTON, DC – Over seventy prominent scholars and activists, including Oliver Stone, Noam Chomsky and Daniel Ellsberg, signed a letter urging President Barack Obama to visit with Hibakusha, atomic bomb survivors, and to announce concrete steps toward nuclear disarmament when…

France – Celebration & invitation

Dear Friends, Here are some dates… 8 May 1945. End of WW2 in Europe. Nazis defeated. 12 May 1944. I was born in Paris under German occupation.  My grandfather had been seriously wounded in the trenches of Verdun during World…

G7 walks backwards in Hiroshima

From Wildfire>_ News. Earlier this week, foreign ministers of the G7 met in Hiroshima. The highly symbolic setting, coupled with signals from Japan’s foreign minister Fumio Kishida (who is from Hiroshima) that Japan would push for a renewed commitment on…

G7 Hiroshima meeting should committ to eliminate nuclear weapons

10 APRIL 2016 PEOPLE FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT G7 HIROSHIMA MEETING SHOULD COMMITT TO ELIMINATION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS The G7 meeting scheduled for 10 and 11th April in Hiroshima should commit unequivocally to the total and complete elimination of nuclear weapons,…

ICJ Day Six, Round Two: Appealing to Sentiment

Yesterday afternoon, the United Kingdom completed its oral arguments in the case brought against it by the Marshall Islands at the International Court of Justice. Sir Daniel Bethlehem, Counsel for the United Kingdom, opened his pleadings on a seemingly conciliatory…

Day Five at the ICJ: Everybody’s doing it

The Marshall Islands wrapped up the first week of hearings in its nuclear disarmament cases with oral arguments against the United Kingdom. The RMI arguments outlined why the International Court of Justice (ICJ) should declare jurisdiction in this case, and…

The Marshall Islands at the ICJ: Preview

Over the next two weeks, oral arguments in the Marshall Islands’ nuclear disarmament cases will take place at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague. The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) originally filed the lawsuits in April…

London sees the biggest anti-nuclear weapons demo in a generation

Thousands braved the cold today to express their opposition to the renewal of Trident, the nuclear weapons system many deluded people believe will keep them ‘safe’. We are reminded of the the story of two men in a car, one…

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