
Nuclear disarmament

We Fell In Love with the Word PEACE

But just falling in love is not enough. For peace to ensue, a call is urgently needed. To call for an end to all wars and all forms of violence, the first World March for Peace and Non-violence took place on…

From Armistice to Peace: The 70th Year of the Korean War Armistice International Symposium

27 July 2023. The Korean Peace Appeal Campaign hosted an international symposium in Seoul city at the International Conference Hall of Seoul Global Center on “From Armistice to Peace: 70th Year of the Korean War Armistice”. It was held in…

International Reconciliation Movement expresses concern about the escalation of war and the nuclear risk

The Movimento Internazionale della Riconciliazione (International Reconciliation Movement) (Italian non-violent organization adhering to the International Fellowship of Reconciliation) expresses concern about the further overheating of the climate of international conflict following the holding of the NATO Summit in Vilnius, the…

“It is time for mediation, nuclear disarmament, and positive peace”

(DIRE) Bologna, 25 May [2023]. – “It is time for mediation, nuclear disarmament, and positive peace”. After the conference that a few weeks ago re-launched the request for a Ministry of Peace in Bologna – in view of 2 June…

Mombasa Appeal for peace and prevention of Nuclear War

At our 23rd World Congress in Mombasa in April 2023, we, the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, discussed the risks and impending consequences of the current, crisis situation on our planet. The war in Ukraine bears enormous…

From Darkness to Light – 23rd IPPNW World Congress

From 27-29 April, the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) will hold its 23rd World Congress in Mombasa, Kenya. Sessions will highlight and link the health consequences of the climate crisis and nuclear weapons, especially as they…

Cities are not targets

Author’s presentation on the occasion of the IPPNW European Forum meeting, Hamburg, Germany, 21 January 2023 I am honored to speak on such a special occasion, to such a special crowd, and humbled to do so in such a special…

2nd October International Day of Nonviolence Celebrated in Bangladesh

by Mohammad Nazrul Islam   The Humanist Society of Bangladesh held a human chain program in Dhaka calling for an end to ethnic riots and deadly wars in the world. The call to the international community to stop the ongoing…

40 Years Ago: June 11th, 1982 the great International Religious Convocation, pronounced their Community Affirmation statement aloud in the largest Cathedral in the U.S., St. John the Divine

We who live in the shadow of the mushroom cloud, ….Today declare our hope in the future, …. To renew our belief in the sanctity of all life. We declare we are at peace with all people… . We need…

40 Years Ago: June 14th, 1982 the day for the Civil Disobedience Campaign

“Blockade the Bombmakers” was coordinated by the War Resister’s League (WRL) in cooperation with sponsors:  Catholic Peace Fellowship, Clergy and Laity Concerned, Friends Peace Committee, Mobilization for Survival, Thomas Merton Center, Pax Christi, SHAD Alliance, Kairos, Jonah House, Women’s International…

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