
Nuclear disarmament

New Zealand statement at the UN on the humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons

Today, 21st October, 2013, at 17:20 in New York, Disarmament Ambassador Dell Higgie from New Zealand delivered the following statement on behalf of 124 states in the UN General Assembly’s First Committee. “I am taking the floor on behalf of…

124 states condemn unacceptable effects of nuclear weapons

“very survival of humanity depends on nuclear weapons never being used” NEW YORK – A joint statement on the humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons was delivered by New Zealand today at the United Nations General Assembly in New York. Expressing…

Latin America reaffirms anti-nuclear commitment

The Treaty of Tlatelolco is the conventional name given to the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean. It is embodied in the OPANAL (the Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin…

Obama speech reaction – nuclear weapon reductions will reduce risks but prohibition treaty urgent

The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) welcomes President Obama’s announcement in Berlin today calling for a world without nuclear weapons and the readiness to pursue further reductions in the US and Russian nuclear arsenals.  However, the humanitarian consequences…

Obama calls for reduction of Russian nukes

US President Barack Obama has called on Russia to slash its deployed nuclear weapons by up to a third. “After a comprehensive review, I’ve determined that we can ensure the security of America and our allies — and maintain a…

Russia bidding farewell to Soviet nukes

By J C Suresh | IDN-InDepth NewsAnalysis Russia is in the midst of a comprehensive modernization of its nuclear forces that began more than a decade ago. The upgrade, which involves replacing all Soviet-era ballistic missiles with fewer improved missiles,…

Swedish Foreign Minister attacks signatories of Humanitarian Initiative: ”Not serious states”

The Swedish Foreign Minister (and former Prime Minister) Carl Bildt has found himself in hot water after his curious comments on a radio show in response to questions over Sweden’s refusal to recognize the humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons at…

NPT conference: A strategy for nuclear disarmament

On Friday last week, the NPT PrepCom finished in Geneva to reconvene in New York in 2014.  Ray Acheson of Reaching Critical Will gives a final review of the outcomes. The scene of the final day of the second NPT…

NPT and risks to human survival: the inside story

Doctrines, deployments, and the political value attached to “nuclear deterrence” are being challenged at the NPT conference.  As 78 nations co-sponsor a growing “humanitarian initiative”, the five NPT nuclear-armed states and some of their “nuclear umbrella” allies like Japan, Australia…

US Congresswoman introduces nuclear disarmament bill for 11th time

On April 18, 2013, DC’s Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton re-introduced HR-1650, the “Nuclear Weapons Abolition and Economic and Energy Conversion Act“ for the 11th time WASHINGTON, DC Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) today introduced the Nuclear Weapons Abolition and Economic…

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