
Nuclear disarmament

An NPT pop quiz

By John Loretz, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. Can you name the “official” NPT nuclear-weapons states? If you said the US, Russia, the UK, France, and China…you’re wrong. No, this wasn’t a trick question having something to…

Time to look beyond the NPT

By John Loretz, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. When this NPT Review Conference began, I wrote that the outcome would depend on how seriously the humanitarian impacts initiative and the Austrian Pledge were taken up by the…

Nuclear abolition wave circles the world!

As governments gather in New York for the four-week-long nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference, a wave of nuclear abolition activities is swinging around the world. ‘Starting at a large peace rally in New York just after midday on Sunday…

Wave goodbye to nuclear weapons

Governments will meet at the United Nations over four weeks in April-May 2015 for the five-yearly review of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Civil society is calling on governments to end the threat of nuclear weapons by negotiating for their…

Nuclear Weapons: the gap, the pledge and the ban

Human Wrongs Watch By Daniel Högsta* 15 April 2015 – As the Review Conference of the nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT RevCon) approaches, the Humanitarian Initiative, most recently punctuated by the success of the Vienna Conference, faces an important milestone.  …

Disarmament of Nuclear and ‘Conventional’ Weapons Urgent amid Mounting Global Violence

Human Wrongs Watch New York – The United Nations disarmament chief on 6 April 2015 urged Member States to work actively and seek common ground on disarmament issues related to nuclear weapons and conventional arms amid a period of increasing global tensions…

33 Latin American and Caribbean states endorse Austrian Pledge and call for negotiations on a ban treaty

Latin American and Caribbean states have once again shown a united front and a clear vision for the future of nuclear disarmament. At the third annual summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), heads of state of all…

Call to support the start of multilateral nuclear disarmament deliberations and negotiations

Call to support the start of multilateral nuclear disarmament deliberations and negotiations January 27, Geneva Ambassador Lomonaco of Mexico, the new President of the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, today submitted a draft Program of Work (WP 584) with a…

Paths to nuclear disarmament, a case of convergence in diversity

Under this name, the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs held an international seminar, gathering together diverse views of nuclear disarmament experts in the fields of: nuclear-weapon-free zones; the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT); the relationship between human security and international humanitarian law;…

USA and UK to nuclear conference: “This means nothing to me. Aaaahhh Vienna!”

Three days after attending four days of intense nuclear weapon conferences in the Austrian capital, the title for this opinion piece comes to me as I recall the words sung by Ultravox on their 1981 hit, conveniently called Vienna also.…

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