
nuclear deal

Iran Joins China, Russia, EU, France, Germany and UK in Reaffirming Commitment to ‘Nuclear Deal’

By Robert Johnson Amid speculations about Iran’s reaction to the assassination of the country’s eminent nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh on a road outside of Tehran on November 27, participants in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) have reiterated their commitment to preserving the…

Face 2 Face with Alice Slater

On this show we speak with Alice Slater about the historical process of nuclear weapon treaties and the relationship between the US and Russia. Alice is the UN NGO Representative of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, sits on the boards…

US scrapping of INF treaty heightens threat of nuclear war

By Bill Van Auken Washington formally scrapped the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty Friday, bringing the world a major step closer to nuclear war. The treaty, signed over 30 years ago by US President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail…

The Middle East’s Nuclear Technology Clock Starts Ticking

by Dr James M Dorsey The Middle East’s nuclear technology clock is ticking as nations pursue peaceful capabilities that potentially leave the door open to future military options. Concern about a nuclear arms race is fuelled by uncertainty over the…

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action—The Iran Deal: the solution to a problem that never was

The “real” problem is Israel’s real 80-200 warheads, potential Saudi proliferation – and the ‘end of the world’ problem: the same old US/Russia potential apocalypse that has been waiting in the wings since the early 1960s and hasn’t gone away.…

Peace, Force and Joy to the people of Iran

The Humanist Association of Hong Kong wishes to congratulate the Iranian people, and the negotiators on Iran’s team, who have been dealing patiently with the world powers to get this agreement lifting sanctions in return for limiting Iranian nuclear activity.…

Nuclear deal is great but problems ahead

By Dr. Farhang Jahanpour, Oxford University, TFF Board member    The announcement of the nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers is a rare moment in history that gives us hope and provides a basis for optimism. Ms. Mogherini said:…