
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

CALL TO ACTION: April/May 2015 mobilisation against nuclear weapons

Announcement of a global mobilisation for a nuclear-free, fair, democratic, ecologically sustainable and peaceful future On the heels of the September 21 People’s Climate March, a broad international network of NGOs is marking the first United Nations-led International Day for…

Eyewitness to Nuke Explosion Challenges World Powers

UNITED NATIONS, May 12 2014 (IPS) – When the Foreign Minister of Marshall Islands Tony de Brum addressed a nuclear review Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) meeting at the United Nations last month, he asked whether anyone in the room had witnessed…

“Don’t take Arabs’ NPT membership for granted”

By Baher Kamal* | IDN-InDepth NewsViewpoint CAIRO (IDN) – Not that nuclear issues are an actual source of concern to Egyptian citizens. They are deeply worried about their present and immediate future now that inter-religious violence is on the rise,…

NPT conference: A strategy for nuclear disarmament

On Friday last week, the NPT PrepCom finished in Geneva to reconvene in New York in 2014.  Ray Acheson of Reaching Critical Will gives a final review of the outcomes. The scene of the final day of the second NPT…

Egypt walks out of NPT conference

In dramatic scenes in Geneva today, reminiscent of the 2010 NPT conference when several countries walked out as the Iranian President addressed delegates, Egypt advised the room that they were withdrawing from the rest of the 2013 NPT preparatory committee…

NPT and risks to human survival: the inside story

Doctrines, deployments, and the political value attached to “nuclear deterrence” are being challenged at the NPT conference.  As 78 nations co-sponsor a growing “humanitarian initiative”, the five NPT nuclear-armed states and some of their “nuclear umbrella” allies like Japan, Australia…

NPT conference: About inconvenient facts

As the NPT prepcom enters its second week of work, Pressenza republishes today’s editorial from the daily news bulletin of Reaching Critical Will, prepared by Ray Acheson. “Treaty violations are not to be tolerated as inconvenient facts,” declared the US…

NPT conference: Joint Statement on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons

At the NPT prepcom in Geneva today, South Africa presented a statement on behalf of 74 states highlighting the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons.  Pressenza publishes the statement in full here. Delivered by Ambassador Abdul Samad Minty, Permanent Representative of…

NPT conference: Rejecting the strategy of denial

On Monday 22nd April, the NPT prepcom started in Geneva and will last for two weeks.  The Prepcom is part of the five-yearly cycle of meetings to review the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.  Every day Reaching Critical Will produce a newsletter…

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