

The Dalai Lama – ‘Ocean of Wisdom’ and man of Peace – celebrates his 87th birthday

“The past is past; nothing can change it. But the future depends on the present; we still have the opportunity to shape it. This is not a matter of employing technology or spending more money, it’s a question of developing…

If only Picasso would raise his head!

Several media outlets have echoed in recent days how well the Spanish government had sold its culture to the NATO summit leaders and their companions in Madrid. The frivolity with which the events were broadcast was such that they seemed…

Weaponizing Nonviolence: A change of tactics required in Ukraine

Viewpoint by Jonathan Power. Nonviolence can get you a long way, often further than violence. Look at Mahatma Gandhi whose movement compelled the British to withdraw from India years before they planned to. His famous long march to the sea…

‘Nonviolent’ Deaths in War

Despite the waning coverage of the war in Ukraine by the mainstream media, the fighting nonetheless persists. The U.S continues to send billions of dollars in weapons to Ukraine, sanctions on Russia persist as the world suffers inflation and a…

Stoltenberg and Norway: war-mongering and total hypocrisy

When a sculptor thinks of making a statue to political hypocrisy in international affairs, Norway is undoubtedly the model to be used. The Scandinavian country on the one hand hosts negotiations and dialogues in which it supposedly acts as mediator…

Love Is A Scary Tale

The time for war and violence is over. Now is the time to cease the fires that are still hurting our human integrity. And for all of us in whom this simple fact has not fully surfaced in awareness, the…

In an impressive display of active nonviolence, Sri Lankan people demand presidential resignation

“Probably the most decent, peaceful demonstration I have ever seen. No garbage drops. Cleanly kept. Well behaved. No drunks, lunatics, thieves or even smokers. Plenty of free food and drinks given by kind people. Even the camps are orderly erected.…

Talk by Yurii Sheliazhenko during a rally organized by CODEPINK on April 9, 2022

If there is one thing that this season seeks to teach us, it is that Hope exists all around us, even when there seems to be none. Seedlings from brown, seemingly lifeless earth begin to sprout and yield plant life…

Kings Bay Plowshares 7 and supporters Walk for Peace and Nuclear Abolition

On this, the 54th anniversary of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination and in commemorating the life and witness of one of our nation’s greatest apostles of peace and nonviolence. From Riverside Church- the site where Dr. King first…

Thousands of words to support Peace and Nonviolence in Ukraine

We are in a time of war, and in the mainstream media, the floor is given above all to leaders who are at the head of hostilities and conflicts. Right now, we mostly hear words tinged with violence. These words…

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