

Guatemala – An exclusion that tastes like fear

Opposition movement rejects TSE’s arbitrary measure The Superior Electoral Tribunal (TSE) of Guatemala has arbitrarily denied the registration of the presidential candidate of the Movement for the Liberation of the Peoples (MLP) in next June’s elections. “These are totally absurd…

War returns to the heart of Europe and talk of conscription is back on the agenda.

Europe is continuing its suicidal mad dash towards the militarisation of society. After a year of war in Ukraine, almost everywhere there is talk of reintroducing compulsory military service, reopening a debate that was thought to be definitively closed and…

War is a manifestation of our fear. On April 2nd, all over the world, let us extinguish war and ignite peace!

Human beings throughout their history, from the time they settled down as sedentary and had their first lands and animals, began to feel fear of losing those properties. They felt the need to protect them, they armed themselves and created…

Chilean Deputy Hirsch supports the call for April 2nd

Tomás Hirsch, humanist Deputy Hirsch of the Chilean National Congress, supports the Europe for Peace call for 2 April. “As president of Humanist Action and Humanist Deputy in the Chilean Congress, I support and join the call for the 2nd…

Chomsky: Change can only come about through mass protest by ordinary people

In 2007, we requested Chomsky to sign the Europe for Peace declaration and to support the campaign to prevent the construction of the US Space Shield in the Czech Republic, a project strongly opposed by the vast majority of the…

Europe for Peace: Call for Convergence

We know that the possible evolution of the conflict in Ukraine depends on the involvement of the whole of society in terms of economic and human resources. There is talk of compulsory military conscription in many European and some Eastern…

We must stop the march towards World War III, now!

In Europe, North America and a few other countries that feed themselves with information from the western media, it can have escaped no one’s attention that we are actually on the march towards World War III. The similarities with the…

On April 2nd, let’s take Peace into our own hands

In Europe, Ukraine, Russia and all over the world, people want peace, while governments demand more and more weapons and human resources for war. We demand the right to health, education, work and a liveable planet, but governments are dragging…

If we pay attention to nonviolent struggles, they will multiply: the ball is in our court.

Are we incapable of imagining nonviolent alternatives? First, we invite you to watch the following video about monkeys, bananas and the ladder. It makes us think that many of the basic issues that we accept without any questioning or verifying,…

Honduras: Bajo Aguán, una tragedia infinita

Nueva ola de ataques y asesinatos contra campesinos y defensores ambientales Tres dirigentes campesinos asesinados en menos de dos semanas, un conflicto producto de la expansión sin control del monocultivo de palma africana y de la minería que devasta territorios…

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