

“The greater the violence we receive, the greater we become when we renounce revenge”.

The Observatoire de la nonviolence is an association of the universalist humanist current, which contributes to creating a new culture in which all forms of violence are repugnant. The Observatory addresses women and men whose “sensibility” values the intention and…

Cruelty that has no name

The synagogue in Munich, Bavaria, was built in the centre of the city, in an area that had been a Jewish quarter before the Nazi expulsions and murders. It is built of large stones of that yellowish hue seen in…

Statement from the King Center calling for cease-fire in Israel-Gaza Strip

The King Center calls on the national and global leaders to recognize that a cease-fire and peaceful resolution form the only pathway to prevent the killing of more Israeli and Palestinian civilians. We believe that, in this interconnected World House,…

Environmental consciousness and nonviolent consciousness

Our future and that of new generations depends on what we do today. By Victoria Barceló Today there is an ecological consciousness that has been growing in recent years, starting with nonviolent social activism, clarification and denunciation of bad practices.…

In the face of war, march for peace in the world. The Third World March for Peace and Nonviolence

Thousands of kilometers away, bombs and shrapnel fall. Missiles criss-cross the air, weaving webs of smoke and death. In the streets, the stones of destroyed buildings are stained with the blood of hundreds of people. News reports exacerbate the massacres…

Nonviolence against the hypocrisy of armed pacifism

As pacifists and nonviolent people, we would have liked to go to the Palestinian embassy these days to protest, but we couldn’t because there is no Palestinian embassy to protest in front of. And this should make us reflect on…

Response to Mickey in Tel Aviv – conflict between Palestine and Israel and active nonviolence

Dear Mickey, like many people, I am stunned to see the level of violence exercised by Hamas militants on Israeli citizens. It is terrifying, all these acts of barbarism! But in retaliation, the response of the Israeli state to declare…

Chile: Nonviolent Journalism Workshop in the Cerrillos Municipality

It is the first in-person workshop on Nonviolent Journalism. By: Ricardo Rojas With great enthusiasm, the Nonviolent Journalism Workshop developed by the International News Agency Pressenza began to take place in the Public Bookshop of the Cerrillos community. The workshop…

Israeli-Palestinian conflict: violence solves nothing!

It may be trivial for some but in this dramatic and confusing moment of military escalation and propaganda I believe it is important to reiterate a simple concept: Nothing can be solved with violence! This is not just my statement…

Ecuador: I want to live without fear! That’s why I build Nonviolence

We take with us “understanding”, “peace”, “respect”, “knowledge”, and “change us first”. With these expressions, the workers of Grupo Salud y Vida and the educators of the Child Development Centres, who attended the warm and festive meeting-workshop for the Inauguration…

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