

Nonviolent Action: minimizing the risk of violent repression

In a recent article, full of insight, Professor Bill Quigley identified ten different illegal actions police often take ‘to prevent people from exercising their constitutional rights’ to take nonviolent action to address a grievance. He noted that these police tactics…

On International Day, ‘Tolerance for All Regardless of Nationality, Religion, Race, Sexuality…’

Human Wrongs Watch Making International Day of Tolerance, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on 16 November 2014 urged world leaders to protect people from persecution and to encourage tolerance for all regardless of nationality, religion, language, race, sexuality or any…

The creative force of nonviolence: interview with the directors of “Everyday Rebellion”

Everyday Rebellion is a documentary about creative forms of nonviolent protest all over the world. We talk about it with Arman and Arash Rihai, who directed it. How did you get the idea of a film about nonviolent movements? The…

Notes about the ‘look’ of Pressenza

Peace is the absence of war, it is coexistence without conflict, but we can’t just limit nonviolence to the absence of violence.  Even if it is an end that we want to achieve, nonviolence is, above all, a resistance to…

Creating a World Culture that is Nonviolent

As we celebrate Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday on 2 October, the International Day of Nonviolence, we have the chance to reflect on our progress in creating a nonviolent world. Obviously, creating a nonviolent world has many facets and is a long-term…

Nonviolence: “mightier than the mightiest weapon”

Every year since 2007, on 2 October, the United Nations observes the International Day of Nonviolence. The date was chosen because Mahatma Gandhi, one of the first and main symbols of non-violent protest and change, was born on this day.…

Interview to Georgina Hassan, Argentinean singer and songwriter who has joined the campaign for October 2 #diadelanoviolencia #nonviolenceday

Buenos Aires, September 8, 2014 1. Georgina, we know you’re working on a new album / book called Calculus. Can you tell us a little about how did this third album of your career came about? Tornasol began brewing when…

Palestinian stories: The Sweet Umm Aziz

Also published in Italian on Frontiere News 11 /09/2014 – In a few days, on September 16, it will be my birthday. It will also be the anniversary of one of the most horrible events of the story of Palestinians…

Despite danger, Iraqis unite to protest religious persecution by Islamic State

Mariam Elba, August 8, 2014, for Waging Nonviolence Iraqis are taking to the streets and to social media to protest the persecution of Christians by the Islamic State — the fringe extremist group formerly known as ISIS. Since the group…

Syrian Refugee Women Tell Stories about Sexual Exploitation in Lebanon

01 August 2014 – The Syrian refugee woman huddled in the latest room she calls home, a peeling, run-down place outside a north Lebanese village. The mother of six doesn’t know how she’ll pay the rent. She’s gotten by over…

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