
Nobel Laureates

Nobel and World Food Prize Winners Call for ‘Moonshot’ Effort to Curb Global Hunger

An open letter calling for efforts to increase food production to avert a world hunger catastrophe has been signed by more than 150 winners of the Nobel and World Food Prizes. The signatories made a plea for political and financial backing to come up…

Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina deserves Nobel Peace Prize

Mahatma Gandhi, a symbol of non-violence in the 20th century was nominated several times for the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize. But unfortunately, Nobel Committee was reluctant in giving this prize to Gandhi. Due to this, questions have been raised stating…

An Urgent Call for Action by Nobel Laureates

Our Planet, Our Future is the title of the 2021 Nobel Prize Summit. As a follow up to that summit, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine recently published Our Planet, Our Future: An Urgent Call for Action d/d…