
No violencia

“A few clues for nonviolence” : 1 – Where are we going?

“Quelques pistes pour la nonviolence ” : 1- Où va-t-on ? We transmit to you the study “Some clues for nonviolence” by Philippe Moal, in the form of 12 chapters. The general table of contents is as follows: 1- Where…

Overcoming Violence, a Social and Personal Necessity

Conference “Overcoming violence, a social and personal need”. By Philippe Moal Observatory of non-violence Centre for Humanist Studies Noesis University of Zaragoza, Spain University of experience Calatayud Campus: 24 November 2020 Épila Campus: 2 February 2021 Good morning, first of…

Mario Aguilar [in Chile]: “Violence comes from the powerful. Let’s take care of each other.”

In the context of the strong social unrest that Chile is going through, the President of the College of Teachers -Mario Aguilar- called on his colleagues for solidarity and nonviolent civil disobedience. His words are reproduced below, as well as…

What is the recipe for preparing a nonviolent revolution?

The following notes are the result of an effort to present a synthesis of the commonalities of the different global movements that have occurred in various parts of the world between 2011 and the present. They were written with the…

Tribute to Silo: “The future is open, a future of all for all”.

16/9/18 Today marks the eighth anniversary of the death of Argentine thinker and writer Mario Rodríguez Cobos, who wrote under the pen name Silo. The founder of Universalist Humanism or New Humanism described himself simply as a writer and thinker.…

South American March for Peace and Active Nonviolence

The South American March for Peace and Active Nonviolence is an initiative of the organization World without Wars and without Violence, which has volunteers in several countries of the world, and in 2009 organized the successful and massive World March…

Homage to Silo: Thinking and works

In few minutes we will try to give an overview of Silo’s thought expressed through his books, lectures, interviews and talks that he has tirelessly given over the past 50 years. His production is extensive and deals in depth with…

The nonviolent revolution is beginning to become a value

We found very interesting an article published in the section of Science, Education and Technology by El País, written by José L. Álvarez Cedena which highlights the initiative of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, better known as MIT, and specifically…

Today and always, the only solution is nonviolence

Terrorism struck peaceful Barcelona and reminds us of widespread chaos that is being generated in the world as the result of unbridled ambition and fanatical madness.

What is the colour of the world?

Attacks, military coup attempts, wars, economic battles, fascism growing in Europe and elsewhere, human madness, despair, politicians’ cynicism, the violence of society, repressions, democracy or what we thought was democracy, etc … they all overwhelm our daily lives. What is…

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