
No to NATO

Five Benefits of Life Without NATO

By David Swanson This week, war industry employee Hans Binnendijk claimed in the weapons-advertisement conveyance Defense News that we all get five big benefits from NATO: Russia refrains from seizing Eastern Europe. The United States gets to have bases in Europe from which to…

Top 10 Reasons Not to Love NATO

The New York Times loves NATO, but should you? Judging by comments in social media and the real world, millions of people in the United States have gone from having little or no opinion on NATO, or from opposing NATO as the world’s…

March 30: a call for US mobilization to oppose NATO, war, and racism

We publish below the call to participate in a rally against NATO, war and racism in Washington DC, USA on the 30th of March, 2019.  The campaign website can be found here, where both individuals and organisations can register their…

Peace Activists Gather in Brussels to say No to War – No to NATO

By Pat Elder, World BEYOND War The weekend of July 7th and 8th witnessed the European peace movement come together in Brussels, Belgium to send a clear message to the world community, “No to war – No to NATO!” The mass demonstration on Saturday and…

NATO Counter Summit demands the dissolution of the military alliance and the creation of a cooperative security system

Press release by the No to War – No to NATO network in their counter summit in Warsaw, Poland. Six Polish organizations of peace and social movements as well as the international network No to War – No to NATO…

July demonstration against NATO in Warsaw

The annual NATO summit takes place this year in the Polish capital, Warsaw and anti-NATO and anti-war campaigners across Europe are mobilising to make a symbolic protest against the increased militarisation of Europe which is leading to unnecessary tensions with…

Call for action during the NATO summit in Warsaw July 8-9 2016

No to war │ No to NATO bases │ No to the missile defence shield │ No to the arms race│ Disarmament – welfare not warfare │ Refugees welcome here │ Solidarity with peace and anti-war movements The next NATO…

NATO wars, refugees and terrorism cannot be seen in isolation from one another: Europe must give a coherent response

Once more we witness acts of terrorism in Europe. These events in western cities killing European citizens are horrific in the eyes of the western media. They should be condemned and all peace-loving human beings condemn them. We in Pressenza…

No to war – no to NATO: European network expands

CALL TO ACTION FROM THE ROME PEACE CONFERENCE, OCTOBER 26th, 2015 We, the participants attending the International Conference Against War and For a Neutral Italy and an Independent Europe held in Rome on October 26, 2015, on the initiative of…

In Naples, national demonstration against Trident Juncture

A colourful and ironic demonstration marched through the streets of Naples, Italy to protest against NATO’s Trident Juncture military exercises. All photos by Darío Lo Scalzo for Pressenza.

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