

Court Drops Charges Against All Defendants in Iuventa Trial

Today, the court has delivered its landmark decision, clearing all defendants following a seven-year odyssey. This case stands as the longest, most expensive, and most extensive proceedings against SAR NGOs, including two years of preliminary hearing with over 40 hearings.…

Universal mourning, sea rescue NGO initiative after Pylos shipwreck

Sea rescue NGOs list their social profiles in mourning to remember the victims of the shipwreck a few days ago a few miles off Greece and declare universal mourning. Sea-Watch, Open Arms, Doctors Without Borders, Emergency, Mediterranea Saving Humans, ResQ,…

‘You mean the prison?’: displaced people on Samos

The warehousing of asylum-seekers behind barbed wire encapsulates where ‘protecting borders’ leads. As representatives of the European Union’s 27 member states came together on February 9th and 10th in Brussels, for a summit focused on war, the economy and migration, a number…

Joint statement: new Italian decree obstructs lifesaving rescue efforts at sea and will cause more deaths

We, civil organisations engaged in search and rescue (SAR) activities in the central Mediterranean Sea, express our gravest concerns regarding the latest attempt by a European government to obstruct assistance to people in distress at sea. A new law decree, signed by the Italian…

Iuventa: judge orders repairs and maintenance for NGO ship

After being held in the port of Trapani for five years and abandoned by the harbour master’s office, the Iuventa has been plundered, largely demolished and is currently unseaworthy and in danger of sinking. In its ruling yesterday, a court confirmed the…

Criminalization at Europe’s borders: unconvering the risks faced by those who support asylum seekers

Asylum seekers travelling to Europe via irregular migration routes often rely on assistance from lawyers, NGOs, and volunteers following their arrival. Drawing on research conducted in Greece, Gemma Bird details the risks that these individuals and organisations take in their efforts to…

CUTS International Aims to Become a Civil-Society UNCTAD

By Kester Kenn Klomegah In this interview, Pradeep Mehta who is the founder Secretary General of the Jaipur-based Consumer Unity and Trust Society (CUTS International), talks about the establishment of his organization, its geographical spread, the challenges it has faced…

Fire in Samos Refugee Camp

Last night there was a fire on the island of Samos, a fire that ripped through the temporary homes of human beings living in ‘the jungle’, the overfill space relied upon to house men, women and children in a Reception…

More refugees arrive on Greek islands amid overcrowding and water shortages

The hotspots on the Greek islands of Lesvos, Chios, Samos, Kos and Leros are struggling to manage an increase in the number of refugees and migrants crossing the Aegean Sea from Turkey in recent months. Between January and August 2019,…

The Power of Volunteers

On World Refugee Day it is important to remember the ongoing struggles of people living in overcrowded conditions for months on end in Reception Centres. Last week marked an unprecedented change in the dialogue between the Greek State and the…

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