

Alter ego’? Microsoft chatbot wants to be worshipped as a deity

A Microsoft spokesperson said a series of commands caused the artificial intelligence virtual assistant to behave erratically. Users reported on social media that Microsoft’s artificial intelligence (AI) virtual assistant, Copilot, was generating strange responses in which it demanded to be…

Multiconvergence: next actions

The 13 global networks that currently make up a process of Multiconvergence – in which they commit to get to know and support each other and, take action together – are preparing at this time to finalize an OPEN LETTER…

Viral Open Space : an experimental learning space, for mutual recognition and reinforcement at the planetary level

On September 20 and 21 was held the 4th edition of the Viral Open Space (VOS), this online transitional space was created last March, in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic (text of intent). Several participants who are part of…

Why 5G Is the First Stage of a Tech War Between the U.S. and China

By Prabir Purkayastha The U.S. tech war on China continues, banning Chinese equipment from its network, and asking its Five Eyes partners and NATO allies to follow suit. It is a market and a technology denial regime that seeks to…

Meeting Of Global Citizens Networks

On Sunday 5, eight international citizen networks from different countries of the North and the South virtually coincided in a first meeting. It was a meeting of people dedicated to different causes aimed at building a more humane, balanced, ecological…