

Several neoliberal mantras go up in smoke

Obsession with privatisation, fiscal austerity, deregulation, free trade, and reductions in government spending in order to increase the role of the private sector in the economy and society have been the neoliberal agenda pervading the world economic system since the…

Neoliberal psychology

By Joel Millward-Hopkins 8 May 2017 for openDemocracy Why do we allow the logic of the market to occupy our minds? All too often, critics speak of neoliberalism as a coercive, external force lying somewhere ‘out there’ in the political…

Brexit is a disaster, but we can build on the ruins

This is a crisis of astonishing proportions, but also an opportunity for the changes the left has long sought By George Monbiot for The Guardian Let’s sack the electorate and appoint a new one: this is the demand made by…

IMF Admits Neoliberalism a Failure

Instead of delivering growth, neoliberal policies of austerity and lowered regulation for capital movement have in fact increased inequality. This inequality might itself undercut growth… Policymakers should be more open to redistribution…   Last week a research wing of the…

Even the IMF—the IMF!—turns on neoliberalism

New paper by three IMF economists finds that policies of capital account liberalization and austerity fuel inequality, which in turn hurts growth—”the very thing that the neoliberal agenda is intent on  boosting.” by Andrea Germanos, staff writer for Common Dreams…

Who said that neoliberalism is the solution?

One day the world awoke to the news that Iraq was in possession of weapons of mass destruction; a US Machiavellian plan to which the UK, Poland, Australia and Spain joined -as the first front-. That was how in 2003…

Neoliberalism – the ideology at the root of all our problems

Financial meltdown, environmental disaster and even the rise of Donald Trump – neoliberalism has played its part in them all. Why has the left failed to come up with an alternative? By George Monbiot for The Guardian Book review Imagine if…

The Financial system is a larger threat than terrorism

by PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS for Counterpunch In the 21st century Americans have been distracted by the hyper-expensive “war on terror.” Trillions of dollars have been added to the taxpayers’ burden and many billions of dollars in profits to the military/security…

Sick of this market-driven world? You should be

The self-serving con of neoliberalism is that it has eroded the human values the market was supposed to emancipate. By George Monbiot, The Guardian, Tuesday 5 August 2014 To be at peace with a troubled world: this is not a…

From Marxism to Neoliberalism: Ronnie Kasrils on How Mandela & ANC Shifted Economic Views

Juan Gonzalez for Democracy Now! Speaking from Johannesburg, leading anti-apartheid activist and former South African Intelligence Minister Ronnie Kasrils discusses the evolution of the African National Congress’ economic views from its time as a liberation movement to leading South Africa…

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