

Neoliberalism tells us we’re selfish souls – how can we promote other identities?

Public support for co-operation, collective ownership and mutual care have persisted, despite the popularity of some of the neoliberal agenda. What policies could the left pursue to build from where we are now? Christine Berry for openDemocracy onomics is the…

The dirty secret of capitalism — and a new way forward

Nick Hanauer is a rich guy, an unrepentant capitalist — and he has something to say to his fellow plutocrats: Wake up! Growing inequality is about to push our societies into conditions resembling pre-revolutionary France. Hear his argument about why…

The insidious ideology pushing us towards a Brexit cliff-edge

For neoliberal zealots, no deal represents a great opportunity to dramatically reshape Britain By George Monbiot for The Guardian  At first sight it’s incomprehensible. Why risk everything for a no-deal Brexit? Breaking up their own party, losing their parliamentary majority,…

Reclaiming the commons through state ownership? Maybe not

Transnational state capital can be just as harmful as its private counterparts. We need local, democratic and sustainable alternatives. Milan Babic for OpenDemocracy This article is part of ourEconomy’s ‘Decolonising the economy’ series. In a 2001 essay, Naomi Klein passionately called…

Neoliberalism has tricked us into believing a fairytale about where money comes from

Mary Mellor, Northumbria University, Newcastle for The Conversation There is nothing natural about money. There is no link to some scarce essential form of money that sets a limit to its creation. It can be composed of base metal, paper…

Encouraging signs of a new business ethos for a new society

Neoliberal capitalism has been denounced recently as a destructive and dehumanising force responsible for human and environmental disasters. The alternative models are not easily found in corporate media where Margaret Thatcher’s TINA (“there is no alternative”) is still the orthodoxy…

The 2016 coup in Brazil: the door to disaster, by Dilma Rousseff

Dilma Rousseff / Brasil de Fato Three years ago today, Brazil’s lower house, chaired by a congressman who was convicted of corruption, started impeachment proceedings against me, even though there was no crime of responsibility to justify the decision. That…

Neoliberalism promised freedom – instead it delivers stifling control

By George Monbiot for The Guardian Creeping privatisation is rolling back the state to create a new, absolutist bureaucracy that destroys efficiency.  My life was saved last year by the Churchill Hospital in Oxford, through a skilful procedure to remove…

How neoliberalism is normalising hostility

COUZE VENN 11 February 2019 for openDemocracy From working conditions to welfare policies, from immigration to the internet – this zero sum game of winners and losers benefits only the far right. The hostile environment is not just about the…

What is the Question?

By Howard Richards “The question is whether finance will promote economic growth and rising living standards or create unproductive credit and use government to enforce creditor claims by imposing austerity and reducing large swathes of the population to debt peonage.”…

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