
Nelson Mandela

New audiovisual tributes to the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela

A pleasant and meaningful surprise awaits travelers arriving at Brasilia International Airport. In the arrivals area, they will have the pleasure of visiting the “Mandela: World Icon of Reconciliation” exhibition. Organized by the Brazil-Africa Institute in partnership with the Nelson…

Nelson Mandela’s release from prison 33 years ago

On 10 February 1990, Nelson Mandela was released from prison after 27 years of incarceration at the hands of the apartheid regime. The move, celebrated worldwide, had been preceded by then South African President Frederik De Klerk’s meeting with Mandela…

South Africa Is Burning: The Legacy of Mandela Is Dead for a Nation of Thieves

“Like Gandhi in India, Mandela Has Become a Mere Myth in South Africa” It is indeed ironic that South Africa is “celebrating” Mandela Day[2], on 18th July, marking the birthday of the great international icon, amid serious civil unrest, resulting in the…

Africa, a history to rediscover. 10 – The Ubuntu philosophy

Based on compassion, respect for others and the belief in a common bond joining all of humanity, Ubuntu is a philosophy and a way of life in Sub-Saharan Africa. Its values – in different languages and dialects – have connected…

Exclusive: NSA, FBI, DIA Sued over Refusal to Disclose U.S. Role in Imprisonment of Nelson Mandela

Amy Goodam interviews Ryan Shapiro In a Democracy Now! exclusive, one of the nation’s most prolific transparency activists, Ryan Shapiro, reveals he is suing the NSA, FBI and Defense Intelligence Agency in an attempt to force them to open their…

The Mandela bandwagon, something for everyone

The eclectic bunch of mourners eulogising the undoubtedly great African hero showed an interesting phenomenon. Even those who had had him in the terrorist list (till 2008) were there to pay tribute. Was that hypocrisy or a change of heart…

Nelson Mandela: the revolutionary humanist who gifted humanity with hope

The world has witnessed the departure of Nelson Mandela, on 5 December 2013. The death of Mandela, a humanist, a freedom fighter, a leader, is a great loss for the entire world. His life, his struggle for a better South…

Let the Light of Mandela Shine on U.S. Injustice

By Amy Goodman with Denis Moynihan As the world celebrates Nelson Mandela’s 95th birthday, it is timely to reflect on his life, spent fighting for equality for people of color who long suffered under South Africa’s apartheid regime. Mandela was…