
natural resources

Did Chile recover its democracy?

Anne Kass As many US citizens as possible should travel to, read about or otherwise educate themselves about Chile.  It is a country that was decimated by a right-wing, neo-liberal “government” albeit not an elected government.  Pinochet took control via…

Water, Water Everywhere but Too Much or Too Little

Human Wrongs Watch By Francesco Farnè*  ROME, 1 January 2016 (IPS) – “Water is at the core of the Lima-Paris Action Agenda (LPAA), but it is true that for a long time water and oceans issues have been marginalized in…

French Firm Attacks Ugandan Tax Using ISDS

Human Wrongs Watch By Edward Ronald Segyawa and Frank Mulder* KAMPALA, 25 December 2015 (IPS) – The heavily criticized legal mechanism, known as ISDS, is an important tool for European companies to pressurize developing countries. This year Uganda joins the…

UN Forum on The Culture of Peace to Include the Role of Media

Read the headlines on any given day, and it’s easy to assume that people are driven by conflict and greed. But are we getting the whole—or even the true—story? Michael Nagler, a noted peace scholar and award-winning author, will discuss…

Role of Rural Women, Key for Required Economic, Environmental and Social Changes

Human Wrongs Watch This week, UN Women marks three UN observances that reflect women’s key role in development, beginning with International Day for Rural Women on 15 October, World Food Day on 16 October and International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on 17 October.*  …

When buying cheap turns out expensive

Three, two, one, zero… The sales are now on.  Offers, discounts, % off… fill the shop windows of the high streets and the shopping centres.  It is the time to buy and to buy cheaply.  But… Is what we’re buying…

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