

World Politics-Economics Right Now

By Johan Galtung The net conclusion? The enormous US imbalance: no longer winning wars, less political clout, economically bankrupt but still powerful, shaping the world culturally. Wise US policy would celebrate the last two; unwise policy would Make America Great…

NATO, Russia should prevent another Cold War: Corbyn

UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn says that Russia and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) military alliance have to demilitarize their borders before their differences lead to another Cold War. Speaking to the BBC on Sunday, Corbyn said he…

A Good Time to Review Bush’s War Crimes

I’ll be speaking at the upcoming Iraq Tribunal about war lies of 2002-2003 vintage. I’m nostalgic for the days when presidents had to lie to Congress and the public and obtain some modicum of support before bombing a foreign country.…

Now We Can Finally Get to Work

Dear Democrats, Are you finding yourselves suddenly a bit doubtful of the wisdom of drone wars? Presidential wars without Congress? Massive investment in new, smaller, “more usable” nuclear weapons? The expansion of bases across Africa and Asia? Are you disturbed…

Peace movement once again strengthened in the streets of Berlin

The peace movement has had a lot of beginnings in recent years. This time it could be a beginning that actually continues. More than 8000 participated in Berlin in a peace demonstration with the slogan “Down with the weapons!!! –…

Thousands protest against NATO & TTIP in front of the Chancellor’s Office in Berlin

This video from the 1st of October 2016, thousands of people demonstrated in front of the Chancellor’s office in Berlin under the slogan “That’s Enough” (“Es reicht“) initiated by Ken Jebsen, founder of the independent & adversarial media outlet KenFM.…

The Global Power Imbalance

Johan Galtung* This editorial 444–the number calls for attention–is dedicated to a global overview, the world “right now”, so unstable with imbalances everywhere that what we are living is fluxes and jumps. Let us start with two major relations: nature-human,…

Russia maintains proposals of security Cooperation with NATO

Moscow, Jul 25 (Prensa Latina) The Deputy Foreign Minister Alexei Meshkov has reaffirmed Russia”s willingness to restore the mechanisms of cooperation with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) on issues of global security, but in conditions of equity. The Deputy…

NATO ‘speaks of defense, prepares offensive’, says Gorbachev

Despite NATO assurances that it seeks deterrence and dialogue with Russia, the alliance seems to be preparing to escalate conflict, says Mikhail Gorbachev, the man praised for ending the Cold War after the alliance convened at a summit in Warsaw.…

Time to rethink NATO

This article is republished with kind permission of Alice Slater.  Credit goes to the Hill’s Congress Blog and the original article can be found here. Donald Trump angered the D.C. establishment when he said that NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty…

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