

Number of Ethnic Rohingya Muslims Fleeing Myanmar Hits Record Levels — Crisis Will Take Years to Resolve

Sittwe, 4 noviembre 2014 ( IRIN ) *  – A medida que el número de musulmanes rohingya huyen étnicas de Myanmar golpea niveles récord, las perspectivas de una solución duradera de la crisis en el estado de Rakhine de Myanmar…

Preserving Indian National Army memorials in Myanmar

As Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh visited Burma (Myanmar) on March 3, 2014, voices for preservation of Indian testimonials in the neighbouring country also surfaced. Dr Singh was in NayPieTaw that day attending BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for…

New Delhi unsafe for Burmese refugees

The Indian national capital city of New Delhi, which gives shelter to over 8,000 registered Burmese refugees, half of them women and children, remains unsafe for the asylum seekers. A recent report titled ‘Doke Kha Bon’ from the Burma Centre…

Myanmar: UN welcomes release of child soldiers by national armed forces

The United Nations today welcomed the release of 24 children by Myanmar’s armed forces, known as the Tatmadaw, and called for the acceleration of discharges in line with the commitment made last year by the Government to end child rights…

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