
military bases

Interview with Finnish Journalist and politician Antero Eerola

The end of moderation in the Finnish way By Sasha Kohen.- TASS Finland Finland has for decades been considered one of the most neutral and moderate countries in Europe, where the inhabitants live in prosperity and happiness. The quiet political…

6th International Congress against Military Bases and War on June 23

The International Network Against Global Military Bases, founded in 2018, is organizing this year the 6th International Congress Against Military Bases and War. Pressenza participates in the panel discussion. Without worldwide military bases, wars would not be possible. That is…

Canada Enlists in the U.S. Empire

It seems the allure of empire is just too great. For many Americans, Canada is a peaceful, enlightened and progressive country with universal healthcare, affordable education, and what we thought was a slim, non-interventionist military funded by a sensible budget.…