

On hosting refugees, Germans say everything but ‘cheese’

If you ask Germans whether they would host refugees for 20 euros a day, you will likely get a very clear answer – either negative or positive. But if you ask to take their picture, you may get the finger.…

‘Stopgap measures to halt the flows of migrants only scratch the surface of the problem’

(ILO)* — The recent loss of lives in the Mediterranean Sea is yet another reminder of the human impact of unresolved conflicts and development failures worldwide. The seeming global paralysis in the face of this on-going human tragedy is deeply…

The humanitarian miracle in Hungary’s train stations

Migration to Europe is a phenomenon increasingly in the news: boats are capsizing in the Mediterranean, migrants have brought the Channel Tunnel to a halt, walls are being proposed to divide nations, and essentially Europe is unable to give a…

Europe must stop exporting its migration fears – or face the consequences

Human Wrongs Watch By Ruben Andersson* London, 13 April 2015 (IRIN)  – In a new column, anthropologist and author of “Illegality, Inc.” Ruben Andersson of the London School of Economics warns that European Union initiatives to collaborate with African states may…

Mounting Turmoil, Lawlessness in Libya

Human Wrongs Watch A report produced jointly by the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights and the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) “paints a bleak picture” of the human rights situation in the country during 2014, the High…

Sealing Borders ‘Will Continue to Fail on Massive Scale’ – UN Rights Expert Warns Europe

Human Wrongs Watch Migrants will continue to arrive and stay in Europe “no matter what,” so the overall goal should be to ensure they use official channels to enter and stay, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the human rights…

Spain’s Moroccan Enclave: The Story Behind the Picture

Human Wrongs Watch Nador, Morocco, 9 January 2015 (IRIN)* – Late last year an image went viral. In it two golfers, dressed in white on lush green fairways, appear oblivious as in the background around a dozen migrants try to scale…

Netherlands Politicians ‘trying to score political points at expense of homeless migrants’ – UN Rights Experts

Human Wrongs Watch In the Netherlands, assisting migrants living on the streets is not a matter of charity but rather an obligation of the Government, a group of United Nations human rights experts on 16 December 2014 said as they…

Two Main Routes of Smuggling of Migrants Generate $7 Billion a Year to Criminal Groups

  Human Wrongs Watch The two main routes of smuggling of migrants to Europe and North America generate nearly $7 billion a year to the smuggling networks, according to an estimate on 6 October 2014 released by the United Nations…

Tracing Dead Migrants in Europe

By Kristy Siegfried , Johannesburg, (IRIN)* – As the number of migrants and asylum seekers reaching southern Europe’s shores this year continues to climb – to about 75,000 at last count – so too does the death toll from attempts to cross…

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