
Middle East

Redrawing the map of Syria

By Abdus Sattar Ghazali Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said the United States “does not want to keep Syria as a state in its current borders”, accusing Washington of seeking to establish a Kurdish-controlled entity along Turkish and Iraqi…

Understanding the situation of the Middle East today : from the end of the Cold War to the aftermath of the “Arab Spring” (3/3)

To understand the situation of the Middle East today, it is necessary to go back a century in history. In effect, you must go back to the aftermath of the First World War to understand a large part of the…

INTERVIEW WITH THIERRY MEYSSAN: About “Under Our Eyes” by Thierry Meyssan

On the occasion of the publication of his book, “Right Under Our Eyes. From September 11 to Donald Trump”, Thierry Meyssan granted this interview via the Internet. VOLTAIRE NETWORK | DAMASCUS (SYRIA) | 20 MARCH 2017 Voltaire Network: Thierry Meyssan,…

‘Aleppo Now Synonym for Hell’ – Ban Ki-Moon

In his last press conference as United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon on 16 December 2016 delivered stark warnings on two issues at the forefront of international concern: that “the carnage in Syria remains a gaping hole in the global conscience;” and…

UNESCO must go one step further with a cultural boycott of Israel

The UN’s record of standing up to Israel’s bully-boy tactics is littered with failure. Last month, however, that trend was bucked when UNESCO adopted two telling resolutions on Jerusalem. Not only did the organisation reject Israel’s claims of ownership within…

US presidential elections: A view from the Middle East

Although the era of US global hegemony is coming to a close, the Middle East – more than most regions – is still reeling from the nasty last jabs of that Empire in decline.  It is little wonder, then, that…

No Water in the Kingdom of the Two Seas – Nor Elsewhere

Human Wrongs Watch By Baher Kamal* This is part II of a two-part series of reports focusing on the impact of climate change on the Middle East & North of Africa region, ahead of the signing ceremony of the Paris…

Will the Middle East Become ‘Uninhabitable’?

Human Wrongs Watch By Baher Kamal* This is the first of a two-part series of reports focusing on the impact of climate change on the Middle East & North of Africa region, ahead of the signing ceremony of the Paris…

Ethnic politics in the Middle East – it’s complicated

Dr. Michael Izady has been a professor of history and political science since 1991 at various European& Ivy League universities, and has providedin-depth lectures on the Middle East for NATO and US military and policy planners.  He received his PhD…

Silence, please! A new Middle East is in the making

Human Wrongs Watch By Baher Kamal* Egyptian born, Spanish national secular journalist, Baher Kamal, comments on the current Middle East situation and its future. Read The Over-Written, Under-ReportedMiddle East – Part I: Of Arabs and Muslims and Middle East Part II –…

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