

Massive migrant caravan reaches regularisation agreement with Mexican authorities

A massive caravan of migrants, which travelled the roads of the southern Mexican state of Chiapas on Monday with the aim of reaching the United States, reached an agreement with Mexican immigration authorities on Thursday, which will allow the undocumented…

Increasing violence and impunity against indigenous peoples of Chiapas denounced

The Diocese of San Cristóbal de Las Casas denounced “the social decomposition that is increasing due to the generalised violence” in the villages of different municipalities of Chiapas, as well as “the strong impunity” that prevails on the part of…

Open Letter from Diverse Women for Diversity to world leaders

We, the women of the world, meeting together in Dehradun, India as the ¨Diverse of Women for Diversity¨, and representing 17 nationalities and multiple cultures, welcome and support the decision of the Mexican government through the presidential decree to phase out…

Humanist attitudes in the peoples of Mexico and the world

In this paper we will understand by people, the “different forms of historical communities (tribe, nation, etc.) (Silo, 2002:587) that emerge for “traditionalist motivations” (Poirier, 1992:8). By David Sámano In January 1994, the “Humanist Cultural Days” were held in Mexico,…

Mirada Violeta – The human right to education

The Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE) is a plural network of civil society organisations, with a presence in 18 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, which promotes social mobilisation and political advocacy to defend the…

Assange supporters call for ‘Truth not War’ on UN Peace Day

Calls of ‘Truth not War’ can be heard around the globe this week as supporters of the world’s most famous political prisoner, Australian journalist Julian Assange, rally for his immediate release by the 21st anniversary of the United Nations International Day of Peace (21 Sept…

WSF 2022: The house of the wind

The initiative to create an educational centre of Zapotec knowledge under the impetus of the Zapotec painter-philosopher, Maestro Nicéforo Urbieta Morales By Denis Linckens, member of the International Collective of Young Francophones at WSF 2022 The Zapotec civilisation, known as…

Peoples call for caravan for water and life

Peoples, organisations and collectives from different states called for the “Caravan for water and life: Peoples united against capitalist dispossession”, to denounce “the repressive escalation of dispossession and plunder” against indigenous communities and Mother Earth and to “assert the law…

Agreement to shield megaprojects promotes “private profit and public dispossession”, denounce organisations

The presidential agreement that protects the projects and works of the federal government promotes “private profit and public dispossession”, as well as representing “a death sentence for the communities and territories affected” by the megaprojects, according to indigenous and peasant…

The invisibilisation and neglect of nursing by the Mexican state

For the past few days, the messages on social networks have been a tsunami of complaints, questions and sentiments from various nursing professionals in Mexico. By Karla Ivonne Mijangos Fuentes The murmurs and whispers that invade these social networks have…

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