

Mexico and the certain triumph of the left

In journalism, it is always risky to make predictions, especially about election results. On 2 June, Mexico will go to the polls for a presidential election, as well as for a large number of state legislatures, governors, and other authorities…

Defending Biodiversity, Strengthening Seed Freedom – Resisting GMOs, Seed and Food Imperialism

Over the last few decades, GMO crops have been imposed in countries all over the world, advertised as a solution to food insecurity and the malnutrition crisis. However, hunger, disease, and malnutrition have increased, while biodiversity has declined and toxins…

Venezuela and Mexico sign agreement on migration

A solution to the migration crisis. In an attempt to find a solution to the migration crisis in the Americas, as in the rest of the world, the countries of Venezuela and Mexico have signed a comprehensive migration agreement to…

The evil pharmaceutical companies

Why do I call them evil? Because they live off the sickness and misfortune of others, and the sicker people are there, the more they rejoice, because the more they earn. An arms manufacturer can say that he makes them…

Mexico: more than 8,000 people advance towards Oaxaca in migrant caravan

The more than 8,000 Central and South American migrants who make up the migrant caravan known as the “Exodus of Poverty” continued their journey early this morning from the municipality of Escuintla to Mapastepec, in Chiapas, to reach the state…

The U.S. tries to control the aquatic resources of sovereign countries

In our world, countries have always fought and continue to fight for the right to control and use natural resources. Recently, oil with its unexplored reserves joined the competition. Most people are convinced that oil is the most valuable resource…

International Solidarity with the Zapatista Community Moisés Gandhi

National and international statement in response to the aggression against the community of Moses Gandhi To the peoples of Mexico and the world  To the individuals, collectivities and peoples who defend Life  To those who feel the urgency to act…

Massive migrant caravan reaches regularisation agreement with Mexican authorities

A massive caravan of migrants, which travelled the roads of the southern Mexican state of Chiapas on Monday with the aim of reaching the United States, reached an agreement with Mexican immigration authorities on Thursday, which will allow the undocumented…

Increasing violence and impunity against indigenous peoples of Chiapas denounced

The Diocese of San Cristóbal de Las Casas denounced “the social decomposition that is increasing due to the generalised violence” in the villages of different municipalities of Chiapas, as well as “the strong impunity” that prevails on the part of…

Open Letter from Diverse Women for Diversity to world leaders

We, the women of the world, meeting together in Dehradun, India as the ¨Diverse of Women for Diversity¨, and representing 17 nationalities and multiple cultures, welcome and support the decision of the Mexican government through the presidential decree to phase out…

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