

Yeheli Cialic: “Israel, we cannot stand by and watch. Silence is complicity”

Yeheli Cialic is the coordinator of Mesarvot, a network of young Israeli conscientious objectors who refuse to join the army in protest of the occupation and the war in Gaza, a choice that means going against everything they have been…

Ben Arad, young Israeli conscientious objector: “I will not take part in a war of vengeance”

Ben Arad is the third young Israeli to refuse enlistment in protest over the war in Gaza publicly; this morning he was sentenced to 20 days in military prison.  Ben Arad, an 18-year-old from Ramat Hasharon, arrived this morning at…

Statement of conscientious objectors’ groups from the Eastern Mediterranean region

Pressenza republishes this statement published on the “No to Compulsory Military Service Movement” website. We are conscientious objectors from all around the eastern Mediterranean region. Our region has suffered for so long from oppression, injustice, militarisation, military occupations and wars,…