
Mercury pollution

A Long Road Ahead Towards a Mercury-free Environment

As the country celebrates World Environment Day, environmental watchdog group, BAN Toxics, draws attention to hard-hitting truths on the continued exposure of the Filipino people and the environment to toxic mercury. Mercury is a neurotoxin that can cause irreparable damage…

EcoWaste Coalition Commends EU’s Decision to Further Ban Dental Amalgam Fillings and Mercury-Added Lamps

5 June 2024, Quezon City.  On World Environment Day, the toxics watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition lauded the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union (EU) for taking further action to address the largest remaining intentional use of mercury…

New Docu Sheds Light on the Dark Side of Skin Whitening, Exposes Illegal Trade of Mercury-added Beauty Products

“Kaya po ako gumamit ng skin-lightening products, unang una naman po talaga, para maging maganda.” (I tried using skin-lightening products, primarily to look beautiful),” a woman narrates, as she is seen facing a bathroom mirror applying a skin-care product to…