
mental health

In Latin America, mental health can only be achieved through collective memory

Conflicts throughout history have an impact on mental health Written by Joel Herrera The debate on mental health is very important in the Latin American region because of the entire history of socio-political conflicts, criminalized and persecuted social movements, militarization,…

Are Two Off Days Enough to Satisfy Students’ Mental Health?

By Rebecca Diers – SUNY Cortland Before the spring semester started at SUNY Cortland, administrators announced that there will be no spring break this year because of Covid-19. In an attempt to still give students some sort of break, they…

The enemy between us: how inequality erodes our mental health

By KATE PICKETT and RICHARD WILKINSON for openDemocracy Inequality creates the social and political divisions that isolate us from each other. When people are asked what matters most for their happiness and wellbeing, they tend to talk about the importance of their…

The enemy between us: how inequality erodes our mental health

By KATE PICKETT and RICHARD WILKINSON 12 August 2018 for openDemocracy Inequality creates the social and political divisions that isolate us from each other. When people are asked what matters most for their happiness and wellbeing, they tend to talk about…

An Open Letter to People with ‘Mental Health’ Issues

As ‘mental health’ issues gain more attention, sympathetic and otherwise, in a wide variety of contexts and countries around the world, the opportunity for inaccurate perceptions of what causes these issues, and how to treat them, are likewise expanded. So…

‘There Is a Clear Connection between Torture, Ill-treatment and Corruption’ – UN Rights Expert

Human Wrongs Watch The incidences of torture and ill-treatment around the world have not been diminishing and the need for effective prevention is “as great as it ever has been,” a United Nations human rights expert on 21 October 2014…

Defeating the Violence of Psychiatry

As the movement to abolish psychiatry continues to gather momentum – see ‘On Antipsychiatry’ – it is worth reviewing its delusional foundation, the history of its violence and its function as a weapon of elite social control. Robert J. Burrowes Psychiatry…

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