
mental health

The Nexus Between Mental Health and Climate Change in Bangladesh: Understanding Heat Stress, Air Pollution, and Post-Flood Impacts

In Bangladesh, the convergence of climate change impacts and mental health challenges presents a complex and pressing issue that demands attention and action. By Md Biozid Jessorey As one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change, Bangladesh faces recurring…

Catalina was robbed of her will to live

“They took Catalina’s will to live”. With these words, Catalina’s mother begins an open letter to the community in which she describes the situation of her daughter, a student of Educational Therapy at the University of Los Andes, who took…

Adultocentrism: a hidden form of violence in relationships

Adult centrism refers to the existence of behaviors, beliefs, and an asymmetrical way of relating between adults and other age groups: children, adolescents, and older people. By Lic. Vilma Perren From this point of view, adults are installed as a…

Emotional intelligence, a daily challenge

For some years now there has been a lot of writing and talking about emotional intelligence. But what is it, how can we act with “emotional intelligence” in our daily lives, how can we develop it? By Vilma Perren There…

Mental health and happiness

What do we mean when we discuss mental health? The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines it as: “A state of wellbeing in which each individual fulfils his or her potential, can cope with the stresses of life, can work productively…

Envi Group joins World Suicide Prevention Month, calls for Public Health Priority and Urgent Action

With estimates of more than 700,000 cases per year worldwide, suicide is a major public health problem with far-reaching social, emotional, and economic consequences. Each suicide profoundly affects many more people. “An increasing rate of suicide in the Philippines has…

As Australian mental health services are reduced to pre-COVID levels, citizens are anxious for alternatives

On January 1st, 2023, the Labor Government halved the amount of free psychology sessions covered under Medicare’s mental health plan, reducing them to the original 10 instead of 20. This increases the cost of extra sessions by up to hundreds…

Mindfulness & Staying Present: a Wee Retreat from a Global Crisis

A pandemic of crises touching human beings all over the world is leading to a crisis of mental health. As part of our course of Nonviolent Journalism delivered over the summer, we gave our students the task to interview someone.…

Addressing mental health in children: is as important as addressing child labor: An interview with the founder of Smile Child Organisation in Kenya

The new political changes in Kenya and the period of political instability that the country has witnessed raise the question of whether the newly elected president and the government would address the issue of child labor and poverty in Kenya.…

Reimagining Education with Imagination

By Yasmine Sherif – Yasmine Sherif, Director of Education Cannot Wait To achieve SDG4 on quality inclusive education, we must prioritize mental health The month of May marks mental health awareness month or mental health awareness week in several countries…

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