
Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a day for remembering the victims of war.

Members of Veterans For Peace remember America’s war dead not just once a year, but every day of our lives, with the solemnity they deserve, not the crass commercialism Memorial Day has become. We remember the war dead and the…

Memorial Day by a Vietnam War veteran.

Perhaps some may find what I will argue below as disrespectful, especially coming from a veteran who participated and lost comrades in the American War in Vietnam. But it must be said. How Memorial Day is currently observed does not,…

Join NYC Veterans For Peace Memorial Day Observance

“From the bosom of the devastated earth a voice goes up with our own. Disarm, Disarm! The sword of murder is not the balance of justice.” —Julia Ward Howe Memorial Day Remembering All Whose Lives Were Taken by War Sunday,…

Veterans For Peace Commemorate Memorial Day in NYC

Sunday, May 26th, 2019 | Annual VFP Chapter 34 Memorial Day Observance in Battery Park, in front of the East Coast Memorial on the waterfront, near the Statue of Liberty Ferry. Speech given by Susan Schnall Good afternoon. My name…

U.S. Army: 0 — Internet: 1

By David Swanson The U.S. Army tweeted a harmless rah-rah tweet and got hit with a burst of reality never encountered on corporate-controlled media. Score one for the internet. The Army asked: “How has serving impacted you?” Here’s a tiny sample of…

Memorial Day THIS

“Memorial Day is a time to remember, appreciate, and honor the selfless patriots who gave the ultimate sacrifice in service to freedom. At a time when our country seems so divided, we must not forget that it is because of…