
mass protest

Repression in Yesterday’s Protests in Quito

Photos by: Alejandro Ramírez Anderson The general mobilization in Ecuador, especially in Quito, has gained more strength with the arrival of numerous groups of indigenous people who come to claim and demand their rights. At the same time, repression has…

Indigenous-Led Anti-Austerity Protests Shut Down Quito Forcing Ecuadorian Government to Move Capital

Tens of thousands of people, led by indigenous leaders, are expected to again bring Ecuador to a standstill today in massive ongoing anti-government protests. Demonstrators flooded the streets of Quito Tuesday to decry government-imposed austerity measures and a steep hike…

More Mass Protests in Hong Kong as Activist Joshua Wong Freed from Prison

In Hong Kong, as many as 2 million people took to the streets Sunday for another mass demonstration against a proposed bill that would allow the extradition of Hong Kong residents to mainland China, which critics say would infringe on…