

New attempt to evict Mapuche community

The Coronado Inalef community is resisting eviction from its ancestral lands in El Bolsón. The granddaughters and daughters of Sara Inalef, a 93-year-old Mapuche weaver and acknowledged master of the art of weaving, are resisting eviction from the territory in…

Lonko Mauro Millán: “They call us terrorists for defending life”.

“Walking and defending life” is the slogan of the Trawn Itinerant that will travel along the Chubut River, from the Andean source to the mouth of the Atlantic Ocean between 1 and 10 February. The Mapuche Tehuelche people of Patagonia-Wall…

Machi Betiana’s return to the rewe

The Mapuche people need to live in their territory to exist. This is how it is for the Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu. However, and despite being an enshrined right, according to National Parks, judges and prosecutors functional to economic power,…

Huenchumilla presents project for indigenous peoples to participate in lithium exploitation

“The idea is that these same groups, who have been isolated from this development strategy and have even been affected by the extractive processes, go from being marginalised to being protagonists,” said the DC senator. By Carolina Ceballos Francisco Huenchumilla,…

Argentina: urgent support for Mapuche women prisoners

2023, Argentina. In the country of the award-winning “1985”, human rights continue to be violated. 4 Mapuche women have been imprisoned for more than 6 months, crammed with their children, and accused of a crime that the law does not…

The word of the women – we demand progress at the Dialogue Table

Puel Mapu 29/03/23 Pu zomo taiñ zungun Since the emergence of the Argentinean people, our Machi have been persecuted and imprisoned. Today the country is at the forefront of human rights, but their practice of dispossession and criminalisation has not…

Mapuche communities in permanent assembly

Since 1994, the Argentinean Constitution recognizes that the indigenous peoples that inhabit the country pre-exist the National State and therefore have the right to the possession and ownership of the lands they traditionally occupy. After almost 30 years, this right…

Collective construction as a beacon for Mapuche women of Neuquén

Last Saturday the “First Meeting of Mapuche Women of the Zonal Council of the Mapuche Confederation of Neuquén” took place in the Lof Campo Maripe. Women from different communities met with the intention of creating a space to address different…

Communique of the Mapuche Community Tehuelche Nahuelpan

Boquete Nahuelpan (Esquel-Chubut) Puelmapu Mapuche Ancestral Territory 13 June 2022 To the Mapuche Tehuelche People To those who fight for a more breathable world To civil society Marimari kompuche. Foucault said: “the sovereign does not exercise his right over life…

Mapuche: good practice manual for journalist

The guide “Manual of good practices for media coverage of Mapuche issues” urges the press to use appropriate and non-discriminatory language in relation to the Mapuche. Published on the website of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung by Mapuche journalists Stefanie Pacheco-Pailahual and Paula…

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