

How Three New Museums Are Teaching the World About a Paradigm Shift in Our Understanding of Human Origins

New findings and significant advances in research have scientists rethinking our origins, and museums around the world are working to catch the public up. By April M. Short Breakthrough anthropological and scientific findings have allowed researchers to better trace the…

Beloved Earth

It was a long time ago. I still have the sense of wonder [that I felt] when a sensational news story wafted through the media press: “The Earth is alive.” Or, “Our Earth, a living thing.” It was as if…

Owners of life

Between living beings there is a moral boundary that delimits the rights of one over the other. The idea that life belongs to us comes from way back, from a primitive ideology fanatically centred on man as the absolute owner…

“Have reverence for life” – Interview with ecocentrist Fred Hageneder on climate disruption, species extinction and our future on Earth

Heat waves, droughts, floods and wildfires are on the rise, the IPCC and the UN are sounding the alarm bells. Recently, even a report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA (United States Weather and Oceanographic Administration) attested the…

Life and Death: Fate, Accommodation and Courage

Life and death are two sides of the same coin. No one can go through life without experiencing death, or die without experiencing life. While this appears to be a phenomenon or law of the biological world, we as beings…