

Appeal to the President of the Italian Republic and to all Mps

The sentence by the Milan Court of Assizes of 10 October 2017, deposited on 1 December 2017, documents in great detail the inhumane reality of the Libyan detention centres, where evidence of forced labour, torture and sexual violence against women…

We already know who will win the war in Libya – western arms dealers

They armed Gadaffi and the forces that ousted him alike – now they’re repeating that profitable trick. By Paul Rogers for openDemocracy 18 April 2019 In the shadow world of the arms trade there is one business model that outshines…

EU Urged to Evacuate Eritreans from Libyan ‘Death Camps’

By Ramesh Jaura BRUSSELS (IDN) – When the Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki and Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed signed in July a peace deal after two decades of war and ensuing violent border clashes, “a new era of peace and…

Riccardo Gatti of Open Arms: we won’t surrender

How should we react to the closure of Italian and Maltese ports, to the criminalisation of solidarity and to the misrepresentation of facts? We speak to Riccardo Gatti, the Captain of the Astral and Head of Mission of the Open…

Craig Murray: No need For NATO

A NATO summit approaches that brings Donald Trump to Europe and then on to these shores, and brings the usual clamour for more of the taxpayers’ money to be given to arms manufacturers. Yet NATO is a demonstrably useless institution.…

End Slavery — Open Letter To European Leaders

December 2, 2017 Addressed to: Mr. Donald Tusk President of the European Council Mr. Jean-Claude Juncker President of the European Commission Mr. Antonio Tajani President of the European Parliament Mr. Marco Minniti Italian Minister of the Interior Mr. Angelino Alfano…

The Living Hell of Refugees in Libya: Italy’s Justifications to UN Charges are Self-Incriminating

“What Libya’s become today, that was already well-known…”. Then there’s also this: “Terrible things are happening, but after all they were already known.”. And so on and so forth. These are the types of statements that various representatives of the…

“It leaves me stunned!” Protest against slavery in Libya

This Saturday, about 3000 Africans from all countries of the continent and their supporters came together in front of the Libyan embassy in Berlin, in order to protest against slavery, rape and abuse committed against their sisters and brothers in…

Libya: Break the silence to avoid complicity

The gavel struck at a Tripoli auction to announce that a migrant had been sold for $400 and took us back 300 years to when markets in Montgomery and New Orleans separated men from women, children from mothers, and sold…

EU: Draft Code for Sea Rescues Threatens Lives

Thousands more refugees and migrants could be at risk of dying at sea if a flawed code of conduct for nongovernmental groups conducting search and rescue in the central Mediterranean is put into practice, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch…

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