
Leonard Peltier

Three days in Rome for Leonard Peltier

Next June 10 is an important date for Leonard Peltier and for all the committees calling for his release. A committee in the U.S. may decide on house arrest because of his health condition; Leonard is almost 80 years old…

Leonard Peltier in prison for 17,500 days and nights: some similarities, past and present

Leonard Peltier, a native american, member of the American Indian movement, accused in 1975 of having killed two FBI agents, was condemned to two life sentences without any proof. Since then, even the judges themselves have asked for him to…

Leonard Peltier: native delegation from US to Europe for his release

From October 1 to 5, 2022, a delegation from the International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee will be in Italy as part of a series of European meetings, which will culminate in a meeting at the UN in Geneva. The public…

The garrison of San Didero (Valsusa) named after Leonard Peltier

They had promised and they did it. At the end of a very touching event dedicated to Leonard Peltier that took place on June 24th at the garrison of San Didero, in the Susa Valley (Piedmont Region) from 30 years…

Free Leonard Peltier and all political prisoners, meetings to break the silence

On the occasion of the 47th anniversary of the Oglala events, which took place on June 26, 1975 in the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, numerous initiatives were held to remember the story of Leonard Peltier and demand his…

Biden Should Grant Executive Clemency to Leonard Peltier Now

Leonard Peltier is a 77-year-old Anishinabe-Lakota Native American activist imprisoned for 46 years for a crime he says he did not commit. Amnesty International calls him a political prisoner. Peltier recently contracted COVID-19 inside the Coleman maximum security federal penitentiary in…

Leonard Peltier: how to join a new initiative for his release

For several weeks now, the “Research Centre for Peace, Human Rights and the Defence of the Biosphere” in Viterbo has been gathering support for another form of pressure for the release of Leonard Peltier, who has been unjustly imprisoned for…

Leonard Peltier 75 Years Old, 44 Years in Prison. Indian Lives Matter? 

June 26, 1975, 45 years ago. United States, Native American reservation in South Dakora, Oglala. It is a period of enormous tension in that area; there have been frequent attacks to communities by armed gangs, the GOONS, formed by a…

Freedom for Leonard Peltier after 43 years of unjust imprisonment

February the 6th, 2019 marks 43 years of unjust imprisonment for Leonard Peltier. We want to remember his story once again. Maybe some people already know it, but for those who still do not know it, we want you to…