

Chile, a Left without the people is doomed to fail

Nearly two weeks after the election of the Convention of Conventions, with an overwhelming victory for the Chilean ultra-right, I share six reflections with the aim of contributing to the analysis of the political scenario that is opening up for…

Latin America and the Caribbean face two worlds that are one

From a geopolitical look, the most general context of the moment is the attempt by the United States to halt its decline as a unipolar power and its refusal to accept the consolidation of a multipolar world, with much more…

Trapped, between the Right that won’t and the Left that can’t

In recent times we have been witnessing a dangerous polarisation of political and ideological camps all over the world, and particularly in Latin America. The different positions are becoming more radical, moving down the path of verbal violence, disqualification and…

The West Has Performed ‘Philosophical Coup’ Against The Left

by Andre Vltchek It has been happening for quite some time, but no one has been paying much attention: Western academia, mainstream media, and the most visible propagandists, were trying to convince the world that 1) ideology has died, or…

Goodbye Left vs Right; Hello Humanism vs Anti-humanism!

Today’s political landscape is confusing, to say the least.  The old framework of left and right seems to be crumbling before our eyes.  In the USA, the suffering working class voted overwhelmingly for a multi-billionaire dedicated to cutting taxes for…

Right-wing, left-wing, human-wing

There is a momentary sway in people’s political interest towards the Right, towards a conservative policy on immigrants and refugees mainly in Europe, as now seen in France with the wins of the political right-wing. Also in Europe, but in…