
Latin American

Transformative Education in Latin America and the Caribbean: Horizons and Practices for Social Justice

Between 22 and 26 April, students, teachers, activists and authorities defending the human right to education will gather and mobilize in more than one hundred countries around the world for the Global Action Week for Education 2024 (SAME 2024). Under…

Footnotes from the Day of the Integration of Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean

It was a tearful experience to share with thousands of comrades the intense days of the Day of Peoples’ Integration in Foz do Iguaçu, a milestone that, from its conception, has had the objective and responsibility of transcending the transience…

Redefining US-Latin American Relations: From Outdated Monroe Doctrine to a 21st Century Good Neighbor Policy

An all-encompassing expression of goodwill in the form of a New Good Neighbor Policy will meet resistance from vested economic and military interests, as well as those persuaded by racist arguments.  By Medea Benjamin and Steve Ellner The Trump administration…

Founder of the Theater of the Oppressed, playwright Augusto Boal would be turning 90

Recall the playwright’s contributions to Latin American culture and the working class Daniel Giovanaz A genuinely Brazilian, and also Latin American theater, in which workers appropriate artistic means of production and the boundaries between actor and spectator are blurred. This…

Dependency Mechanisms in Latin America

The soil of Latin America stores enormous quantities of valuable mineral raw materials, necessary for the countries of the continent and for the world economy. The countries of South America have large tracts of land and forests. Some border seas…