

Escalation in Syria: Islamists Loyal to Turkey Launch Attack on Kurdish Areas

Following the outbreak of the heaviest fighting in Syria in several years, Kurdish areas are now under acute threat from attacks by jihadist groups cooperating with Turkey. While the Islamist group Haiat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS), the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda…

US-backed “Kurdish question” spilling over across Middle East

Parallel to the ongoing Israeli-Palestine war (and the Iranian-Israeli conflict), the last weeks saw several incidents both in the Levant and in Southwest Asia – and most of them pertain, directly or indirectly to Kurdish groups. Two weeks ago, Turkey…

The women fighting against the ayatollahs from the Kurdish mountains

By Karlos Zurutuza for Inter Press Service. It usually takes hours of driving in a 4X4 before heading out on foot through a dense forest. There, protected under a sea of beech trees from the view of the drones, it…