

Kashmiri woman leads the way in overturning patriarchy in India

R.S. PORA, India – Smelling the toxic smoke of burning gunpowder and staring helplessly at fields covered in smoke and ash has always been traumatic. Running to shelters, abandoning homes, belongings and livestock every time Indian and Pakistani forces open…

Kashmiri human rights defenders continue to fight injustices amid growing repression

Humanitarian work in one of the world’s most militarized zones has only gotten more difficult as India resorts to new levels of intimidation and hostility. Mehk Chakraborty In Indian-administered Kashmir, anything remotely anti-establishment has been consistently labeled as terrorism, a…

Top Human Rights Tweets of the Week

Trending rights tweets this week: Five years since Angela Merkel admitted one million refugees to Germany, they have largely been a success story; violent protests erupt in Colombia after a man dies in police custody; a devastating fire breaks out in…

India’s colossal blunder in Kashmir

Ayesha Ray, King’s College for the Conversation In a stunningly dangerous, undemocratic and secretive move, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his government repealed Articles 370 and 35a of the Indian Constitution using a presidential order. The government failed to…

Kashmir: What Would Gandhi Say?

By John Scales Avery We are on the brink of a disaster What would Mahatma Gandhi say about the threat of war between India and Pakistan,  which has brought the two nations and the world to the brink of a…