
Julian Assange

The 3rd World Forum on Human Rights ends with a declaration of support and a call for Julian Assange’s freedom

This happened during the closing of the meeting where a declaration was issued requesting the release of Australian journalist and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, the manifesto is headed by the signatures of President Alberto Fernandez and Vice President Cristina Fernandez…

British authorities prevented Reporters Without Borders from visiting Julian Assange

Despite having followed all the protocols and having the relevant authorisation, Christophe Deloire and Rebecca Vincent, RSF’s secretary-general and director of operations respectively, were denied access to Assange. The authorities at Belmarsh prison, where Assange is being held, argued that…

Let’s not forget Julian Assange and demand his freedom

“The persecution of Assange by the United States is an attack on the public’s right to know, and is a serious threat to the fundamental principles of democracy, which are increasingly fragile throughout the world”. By Dardo Gómez, Journalist Like…

Stella Moris Assange: turning the spotlight back on the US

A few weeks earlier, Stella Moris Assange, lawyer and partner of Julian Assange, came to Greece. The occasion was the screening of the documentary “Ithaca – the battle for the liberation of Julian Assange” at the Thessaloniki International Film Festival…

John Pilger: The Betrayers of Julian Assange

This is an abridged version of an address by John Pilger in Sydney on 10 March to mark the launch in Australia of Davide Dormino’s sculpture of Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden, ‘figures of courage’. I have known…

Meeting with Stella Moris Assange in Athens

On the occasion of the screening of the documentary “Ithaca – the battle to free Julian Assange” as part of the Thessaloniki International Film Festival and the special screening organized in Athens by Meta – Center for a Post-Capitalist Culture,…

Dear journalists: you, too, are in the crosshairs. Along with your readers

Stella Moris Assange sounds the alarm for all those who practice journalism with a conscience. As well as for all those who rely on them to stay informed. The Powers-that-be want to blindfold and gag not only Julian Assange but…

Stella Assange: “You students – and the millions supporting Julian – are making a difference”

Speaking before MEP Sabrina Pignedoli, Prof. Maria Cristina Marchetti, Prof. Alessandro Guerra, journalist Riccardo Iacona and a packed hall of students, Julian Assange’s partner praised initiatives around the world on behalf of the co-founder of WikiLeaks. Tina Marinari di Amnesty…

Experts plea with Australian Prime Minister to save Assange – Belmarsh Tribunal Sydney

Politicians, lawyers, journalists, whistle blowers and human rights defenders have pleaded with Prime Minister Albanese to step up his efforts to free imprisoned Australian publisher and WikiLeaks co-founder, Julian Assange. Experts testified at the Belmarsh Tribunal in Sydney on 4 March,…

Global Day of Action for Julian Assange on March 19th, the 20th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq

Hobart 4 Assange and Melbourne for Assange Australia are hosting rallies for Julian Assange and are proposing a Global Day of Action on March 19th , the 20th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq. On the 19th March 2003…

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