
Julian Assange

John Pilger: We are Spartacus

Spartacus was a 1960 Hollywood film based on a book written secretly by the blacklisted novelist Howard Fast, and adapted by the screenplay writer Dalton Trumbo, one of the ‘Hollywood 10’ who were banned for their ‘un-American’ politics. It is…

16 US lawmakers Unite for Julian

15 US congress members and one senator writing to Joe Biden and lobbying him to drop extradition attempts against Julian. In America’s fragmented political landscape, this letter brings together everyone from republican and fierce Trump supporter Marjorie Taylor Greene, libertarian…

Julian Assange awarded in Berlin – Exclusive interview with Stella Assange

Julian Assange no longer needs to be introduced to us. His fight is our fight, the fight for freedom of expression: a freedom that is increasingly threatened these days by the rampant disinformation and the “dictatorship of opinion” that increasingly…

Julian Assange made honorary citizen of Rome by the City Council today

Rome, Caput Mundi at the time of the Roman Empire, cradle (together with Florence) of Renaissance humanism, Gold Medal for Military Valour during the Resistance, the city that gave birth to the European Community (later the European Union), today boasts…

Free Assange: “The war against journalism” documentary screened in Mar del Plata

A documentary film series dedicated to the Australian journalist and founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, began in Mar del Plata this Friday at the cultural centre Con la Fuerza del Mar. By Jorge Nuñez Arzuaga With free admission, the film…

Perugia debates granting political refugee status to Julian Assange. A gesture that is anything but “symbolic”

The Umbrian capital and host of the International Journalism Festival discussed on Tuesday whether to grant journalist/editor Julian Assange, who is still arbitrarily imprisoned in the United Kingdom, political refugee status. The discussion took place in a hearing called by…

Why Julian Assange is in the vanguard of global press freedom

Assange understood the changing nature of how information is continually created in vast quantities by the government, stored and transmitted. By Prabir Purkayastha On 8 September we celebrate International World Journalists’ Day as a reminder that the role of journalists…

“Australia, take the lead in liberating Julian Assange” chant activists on Australian Embassy Day held last weekend.

And six Oz parliamentarians set off to Washington to do just that. It took off like wildfire. Last August 12th, a Julian Assange activist in Wellington (NZ) tweeted a call to stage sit-ins outside Australian embassies worldwide on or around…

On September 2, rallies for Julian Assange outside Australian embassies worldwide. What’s behind them.

Recently (29 July 2023), US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, on a visit to Australia, rejected the call by his Australian counterpart to put an end to the U.S.’s judicial persecution of Julian Assange. Blinken justified his refusal by saying…

“No to extradition, Free Julian Assange!” in Buenos Aires, Argentina

“No to extradition, Freedom to Julian Assange!” is an international letter delivery event by a group of Argentinean activists to the UK ambassador, coordinated by “Free Assange Argentina” and “Free Assange Wave” in cooperation with the Nordic collective On…

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