
Julian Assange

Chomsky: “We should all thank Assange for his courage and integrity”

This week marks the start of Julian Assange’s fifth year in residence at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, after charges of rape were brought against him in Sweden.  Fearing that the Swedish authorities would bundle him onto the first plane…

Veterans For Peace Calls on U.S. government to end persecution of Julian Assange and Wikileaks

 Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been wrongly subjected to arbitrary detention for five and a half years, according to a ruling by the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention.  The ruling is critical of Swedish prosecutors, who have refused…

Yanis Varoufakis launches his Democracy in Europe movement

What is this heterogeneous crowd of people standing in the foyer of the People’s theatre doing there? Why are they waiting hours in advance for a ticket? Why are the foreigners searching in agony for a live stream link? At…

British Police withdraw permanent watch for Julian Assange

London, Oct 12 (Prensa Latina) British police removed the permanent presence at the Embassy of Ecuador in this capital, where Australian Julian Assange takes refuge, but it stated ” it remains committed to executing the arrest warrant and presenting Julian…

John Pilger on Wikileaks, Julian Assange & Jeremy Corbyn

This interview from Radio New Zealand brings the well known John Pilger* – “right hand” of Julian Assange – onto the airwaves to speak about Wikileaks, about freedom of information, about Julian Assange himself, and about the UK Labour Party…

Wikileaks report: Bugging Brazil

WikiLeaks publishes today, 4 July at 08:00 BRT, a top secret US National Security Agency target list of 29 key Brazilian government phone numbers that were selected for intensive interception. The publication proves that not only President Dilma Rousseff was…

The Pre-charge Punishment of Julian Assange

By Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan Tucked away on a side street in one of London’s toniest neighborhoods, just across the street from the sprawling department store Harrods, sits a brick, Victorian-era apartment building that houses the Ecuadorean Embassy. Julian…

Swedish Supreme Court rejects Assange appeal

Sweden’s Supreme Court said Monday it had rejected an appeal by WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange against his arrest warrant for alleged rape and sexual assault. Sweden issued the arrest warrant in 2010 following allegations from two Swedish women, one who…

Assange demands rape case files before Sweden questions him

Andes Geneva, Switzerland, March 23 (Andes).- WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will agree to be questioned by Swedish prosecutors in London over rape allegations, but only if he is given access to the investigation files, his defence said Monday. “We need…

Ecuador: Why Did It Take Sweden 1,000 Days to Agree to Question Julian Assange in Our U.K. Embassy?

Ecuadorean Foreign Minister Ricardo Patiño responds to recent reports Swedish prosecutors will seek to question WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London. Assange has never been charged over allegations of sexual assault, yet he has been holed…

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