

Humanists demand an end to repression in Jujuy and the release of Milagro Sala

In a document addressed to the international community, various humanist expressions denounced the repression unleashed by the government of Gerardo Morales in the Argentinean province of Jujuy against the non-violent protest of education workers, indigenous peoples, social and trade union…

Primary elections in Argentina: We are not united by love but by horror

This phrase by the conservative philosopher and poet Jorge Luis Borges seems to have guided Peronism’s decisions around a unity list. A list that will include Sergio Massa as presidential pre-candidate, accompanied on the ticket by Agustín “el Chivo” Rossi,…

Two key witnesses for Milagro Sala’s conviction charged with false testimony

The two witnesses considered key to the conviction of Milagro Sala in the case known as “de los huevazos” were charged with false testimony, at the request of the prosecutor of the Federal Court of Cassation, Javier de Luca. They…

Silo in Jujuy

This July 20th we celebrated the seventh pilgrimage to Yala, Jujuy, a place where on the same date in 1969 the speech that Silo intended to give was banned. Even though the authorities were asked for permission, they denied it.…