
Joe Biden

Defenders of US Public Schools Call on Biden to Ditch Trump’s Disastrous Education Policies—and Obama’s Too

“50.8 million children who attend real public schools need a secretary of education who will be their advocate, not an advocate for privatization.” By Kenny Stancil Demanding an end to the failed policies that have dominated the United States for…

Will Biden Ensure My Family Is Reunited?

Trump’s cruel anti-immigrant agenda separated untold numbers of families, including mine. Will the new administration fix the mess? By Sonali Kolhatkar Millions of Americans are celebrating Donald Trump’s election loss. But for some of us, it’s also deeply personal. To…

Ilhan Omar calls on Biden to reverse Trump’s deals with the Middle East

US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has called America’s allies in the Gulf “dictators” and said that agreements between regional states and Israel are not “peace deals”. Omar made her comments in an article in The Nation. Calling on President-elect Joe Biden…

From ‘Alarming Red Flag’ to ‘Something We Can Work With,’ Campaigners Respond to Kerry as Biden Climate Envoy

“This is an encouraging commitment, but it is not enough.” By Andrea Germanos President-elect Joe Biden said Monday that former Secretary of State John Kerry would serve as his Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, an announcement that provoked a range…

Why Biden Will Keep the U.S.-Imposed Cold War Rolling

By Vijay Prashad Much will certainly change in the world of U.S. foreign policy when Joe Biden enters the White House. There will be a more measured tone, and less reliance upon Twitter to announce U.S. policy. Trump is brusque,…

Science, or nuclear fiction?

Biden-Harris must reject the nuclear path Although possibly a sad comment on his predecessors, incoming U.S. president, Joe Biden, is offering the most progressive climate policy so far of any who have previously held his position. As Paul Gipe points…

America—and the Democrats—Won’t Have a Future If Joe Biden Adopts a Centrist Agenda

It is up to the Democratic president-elect to ensure the future of both his party and the nation. Moving to the right, or even the center, will do neither. By Sonali Kolhatkar President-elect Joe Biden has called the November 2020…

The US was lucky to get Trump – Biden may pave the way for a more competent autocrat

Only if the president-elect is willing to fight big money and redistribute wealth can he stop the rise of someone far worse than Trump It brought a tear to the eye and a hand to the heart. Joe Biden, in…

To ‘Rebuild and Repair’ After Trump Cruelty, Rights Group Gives Biden Blueprint for Racial Justice and Immigration Reform

“Progress on each of these fronts is desperately needed to make all families and communities safe.” ByAndrea Germanos President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team is being urged to quickly set in motion actions to “rebuild and repair” from Trump administration attacks…

Dear “President-elect Biden”

Please start with the easiest problem to solve Editor’s note: The author’s assumption that Joe Biden will be elected president is of course his own. By Alan Robock Here is a letter I intend to mail in November. But I…

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