

Hundreds of Activists Block D.C. Streets, Deliver People’s SOTU Calling for End to Genocide

Ahead of last night’s State of the Union, hundreds of protesters blockaded roads outside the White House and near the Capitol, delaying President Biden’s speech. This is Ahmad Abuznaid with the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, speaking from one of…

Starving Gaza. An ARCI report from Rafah

We publish the report sent from the Rafah crossing, on the border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip, by ARCI President Walter Massa, a member of the Italian delegation organized by AOI (1), in collaboration with ARCI (2) and Assopace…

When will we stop fueling an endless cycle of hatred and violence?

When will we recognize the wisdom and leadership of the inspiring, world-wide Jewish community who are showing the only way to peace and justice for all? By Kathleen Ruff It is not possible to say you support human rights and…

In Global Day of Action on Gaza, Protesters Condemn U.S. Arming of Israel

Major protests against Israel’s assault on Gaza were held Saturday in a worldwide day of action. In San Francisco, police fired pepper spray and hit protesters with batons as a march passed the Israeli Consulate. Thousands also marched in New…

World Mobilization against Genocide and in favor of laRouche’s “Oasis Plan”

ONLY DEVELOPMENT CAN GUARANTEE LASTING PEACE Feb. 24, 2024.- While the United States vetoed for the third time at the UN Security Council the resolution presented by Algeria calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, arguing that “to demand an…

Jewish Voice for Peace Protest at 30 Rock Precedes Biden’s “Late Night” Appearance

On Monday afternoon, dozens of Jewish protesters and their allies demonstrated at the headquarters for NBC television in New York City, demanding that President Joe Biden — who was appearing there later in the day — call for an Israeli ceasefire in…

New sentence for Israeli conscientious objector Tal Mitnick

Refuser Tal Mitnick was sentenced yesterday to a third prison term of 45 days after serving two 30-day sentences, amounting to 105 days in prison. After his expected release in April, Mitnick is likely to be imprisoned again for his…

Ruchama Marton: A voice from Israel against hatred and revenge

It is 20 years now that we accompanied the Mobile Clinic of Physicians for Human Rights Israel (PHR‑I) on a mission in the West Bank and the Negev for our documentary film “1000 Women and a Dream”.* Back then, we portrayed Israeli…

Sofia Orr Refuses to Enlist in the Israeli Army: “There are no Winners in War”

On Sunday, February 25th at 11am, Sofia Orr, an 18-year-old from Pardes Hanna, will arrive at the Tel Hashomer enlistment base and refuse to join the Israeli Army in protest of the war in Gaza and the ongoing occupation. She…

Lula withdraws Brazil’s ambassador to Israel and asks his colleague to leave the country

Brazil is severing all diplomatic relations with Israel and has decided to expel Israel’s ambassador to Brazil and recall its ambassador to Tel Aviv. This was announced today by President Luis Ignacio Da Silva in response to the ongoing genocide…

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